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Tracy is the most popular girl at school, she's literally dreamt by all of the boys. Problem is, she has this bigger brother who is extremely overprotective so all the boys end up having a problem with him.

I never really liked her. Her father owns I don't know what and she brags about it 24/7. She's that kind of snobbish girl who has one friend who follows her around like a dog and all the rest are fake people who just want to hang out with her cause she's cool.

I look down at the ex love of my life and quickly get back to earth. Grayson and Ethan are both trying to wake him up without success. I start biting my nails.

"We have to get him in. But my parents don't have to see him or else they'll make a fuss" I tell them quickly.
"Is there a back door?" Grayson asks with a serious look. I nod quickly and they both pick him up.

I run into the backyard and point out the direction. Once in front of the back door I carefully open it and let Grayson and Ethan slide inside.

"If we hurry we might manage to lay him down in the guest room. It's just down the corridor, a door before the living room." I tell them whispering. They give each other worried looks, breath in and hurry down the corridor.

I follow them down and watch their backs as they get into the dark room. Once the door is closed and everybody's inside I turn the lights on and they lay Alex on the king sized bed.

"Right what are we going to do now?" Ethan asks sitting on the edge and glancing at Alex. I shake my head and shrug.

Alex is still sleeping. He hasn't woken up not said a word since he's fainted. I never remembered him as a worried person.

"Try and wake him up again?" Grayson says giving me a questioning look. I nod and walk up to the bed. I sit down next to Alex and start shaking him a little.

"Alex" I whisper gently "Alex!" I exclaim a little louder. But he doesn't move a single bit. I sigh giving up.

"Alex!" Ethan says walking up to him and shaking him roughly. Alex moves suddenly and jumps up from his eternal sleep. He gives us a frightened look and closes his eyes again.

"Please tell me he's not here" he says with a trembling voice. I put my hand on his shoulder and shake my head.

"You're safe here" I whisper gently. Alex slowly relaxes onto the bed and takes a breath. He then gets up again and looks at the twins.

"What's happened?" I ask. He turns around to me and sighs.

"Tracy's brothers after me cause I got her pregnant" he says with a monotone voice. I gasp in shock and place my two hands on top of my mouth. Grayson and Ethan do so too and remain silent.

"I'm a dead man" he says shivering a little. I shiver back immediately and hold his hand.

"All we can do is drive you home" Ethan says with a apologizing face.
"And I can talk to Tracy's brother" I say and nod at Ethan.

"No!" Grayson exclaims suddenly running towards me. We all give him a questioning look.

"Why not Grayson, I have to!" I tell him.
"Then I'll come with you! He seems so dangerous" he says giving me a trust me look. I sigh in defeat.

"Okay, but let me do the talking" I tell him with a sigh. He nods quickly and puts his jacket back on.

"He shouldn't be far from here" Alex says as we walk to the door. Ethan and him soon join us, Ethan holding Alex. Ethan gets out from the back and me and Grayson walk to the front door.

"Where are you youngsters going now?" My step-mother asks curiously.
"We just have to do a quick thing, won't take long" I answer quickly and leave the house. Grayson follows me behind silently.

Once in front of the car with Ethan and Alex a loud voice yells Alex's name. He squeals and falls on the ground. Soon enough a big figure appears and a very tall boy walks up to me. His expression is I'm going to kill him but I remain silent and calm.

"Are you Tracy's brother?" I ask calmly. He looks at me with a mean expression and nods.
"I am" he says bitterly. Grayson quickly walks next to me to protect me.

"Listen, I'm sure we can solve this problem with no violence. In sure that if Tracy's pregnant she was a part of the whole act too. I'm sure Alex is not the only one who's fault is. They both are wrong. Now let's just talk it out without anybody getting hurt" I say very calmly looking up at him.

"Okay" he says calming down a little and relaxing his enormous muscles.

"Now, Alex what do you have to say?" I ask turning around to a shivering Alex.
"Tracy said I-I wasn't the first one to get her pregnant and that she found a solution to it easily the other times" Alex says gaining his calm again.

"Other times? So she's been pregnant other times?" Tracy's brother says very angrily. Alex nods quickly.

He doesn't add anything else, he just storms off to his car and drives away with a very angry expression.

"Oh my god that was so close" Ethan says walking towards me. I widen my eyes and nod.
"I thought he was going to bury us all" Grayson adds.

"Thanks guys." Alex says with a proud voice and face, completely different from the person he was five minutes ago. He gives us fake smiles and walks away.

"Jerk" I whisper staring at him leave.
The twins just stare at him too, with disgust filling their faces up. I shake my head and sigh.

"Always happens" I whisper again walking to the door. Ethan and Grayson follow me behind silently. Once inside we walk up the stairs and into my room.

"What always happens?" Ethan asks shutting the door and sitting next to me and Grayson on my bed.

"People always use me. I help them with stuff and they just leave the second the problem is solved." I tell them with a little frown "same thing with YouTubers, they hang out with me because my father is they're manager and stuff. Once they reach the big fame no more calls or texts"

They both stare at me with sorry looks. I just frown at the ground and play with my feet.

"Mandy we're different. I swear. We both love you so much, you haven't got a clue" Grayson says with a smile hugging me. I smile back.
"Yesh ve du fo fo mush" Ethan says with a weird accent that makes me giggle.

"Heyyyy what about that comedy movie!" I squeal parting from their hug and grabbing my computer. They both jump next to me getting cozy and all. We all lay down on my bed and play this so called funny movie we've been wanting to watch all evening.

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