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Sunday felt unreal.
Probably my best Valentine's Day I've ever had.

Grayson and I are not official yet, I mean he hasn't asked me. But we did have a make up session after that unforgettable kiss.

It was yesterday actually, since today we're Monday.

"Mandy!" Andreas voice squeals from behind me interrupting my thoughts. She runs up to me giving me an enormous hug.

"So did you lose your V card?" I ask giggling and hugging her back.
"Shhh. It's a secret" she whispers a little bit ashamed.
"Oh my god girl!" I squeal surprised. She nods excited.

"What about you?" She asks even more excited as she opens her locker.
"It was the longest day of my life, you can't believe everything that's happened." I tell her with a big smile remembering our bodies collide as we kissed.

"Tell me more!" She squeals walking to our class.
"I kissed Ethan, but it was a mistake so Gray got kinda mad and we were mad for a while. Then I was leaving he appeared at the front porch dragged me inside and kissed Me" I tell her as my heart beats fast while all the memories flood back.

She screams a little excited and starts jumping around happily. I join her forgetting we aren't alone in the corridor.

"So is he like your boyfriend?" She asks curiously.
"Well I don't know he hasn't asked me yet and he still didn't talk to me since yesterday. This weekend we're all going to New York so I guess we will see." I tell her as we enter the class.
"For like the midterm break? So you'll be gone for a while" she pouts and I nod.

"You'll have to fill me in on all the details, like five minutes after it happens" she giggles sitting next to me.
"Promise" I say and we join our pinkies.

Kian walks in the room with the biggest smile I have ever seen and immediately kisses Andrea.I'm so happy for them.

Once their done greeting each other he goes sit next to JC.

"Do you like JC?" I ask Andrea.
"Yeah! He's new and all but he's super cool. You should meet him" she says happily.

The English teacher enters the room and the day goes on with boring words.

Here we are, Friday afternoon. The week has passed quickly but silently. Grayson hasn't texted me yet nor has Ethan. I've tried to ask dad how they were in set but he just replied by 'normal'.

I sigh as I put a bikini in my suitcase, even though I'm New York it's probably freezing cold. I'm going on a trip with two youtubers we never know what crazy idea might cross their minds.

I zip my suitcase and put my jacket on.

"Amanda hurry or else we're going to be late!" I hear my fathers voice shout from down the stairs.
"Coming!" I reply.

I put my vans on and tie my hair up in a messy bun. I text Andrea telling her I'm leaving and that I'll miss her, grab my bag and bolt out of the room.

My dad helps me with the suitcase and we are gone.

The meeting point is at our gate once we've passed all the controls. It's good, at least I'll have time to think and imagine our conversations on our five hour flight. I roll my eyes at the time wasted on a seat but soon forget it as the car stops in front of the airport.

My dad hands me my suitcase and I follow my stepmother in while he pays the uber.

"Kate! Wait for me!" I squeal as I jog to her, she chuckles and kisses my cheek.
"Oh sweetie are you happy?" She asks and I nod with a smile.

"I know there's something going on between you and the twins, I'm sure they're both in love with you. Am I right or am I right?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows. I look down and blush.

"Well, me and Gray had a thing on Valentine's Day, but he hasn't texted me since so I don't know" I say, whispering the last part.
"Oh! I'm sure he's just nervous. Their mom told me they've had a lot of problems as kids. I'm sure you were his first kiss or love. Give him time to think" she says with a smile.

"Maybe. Although I'm not sure how to greet him when we're going to see each other later" I tell her with a slight frown. She remains silent for a moment, thinking about a way.

"Let him do the first move, or just act cool" she says smiling at my dad who walks in the sliding doors. I nod and keep in mind her words.

Maybe she's right, I should just act cool and see what he does.

Once all the safety procedures are done and we've past all the controls me and my step mother shop in the shops inside the airport while my dad sits at the lounge and waits for the Dolans.

"Oo I like this one!" I squeal as we pass in front of the duty free and in front of my favorite perfume.

"You still have the bottle, once it's finished we will buy a new one" Kate says and I pout and follow her inside a coffee shop.

"Do you want something?" She asks ordering a coffee, I shake my head.

"I'm stressed out" I whisper as she drinks her coffee.
"I know you are, I can see that. But think about something else. Anyway you know he loves you" she says with a wink and finishes her cup.

"Love me?" I ask gulping. She nods and exits the coffee shop.

I know he does, I love him too, oh yes I do. I know it's early to tell but he's always in my mind and we've got a connection. This is not just a crush. I know it. Will I tell him though? Will I get the courage to tell him those words?

Reality stops my thoughts once Grayson and Ethan appear and Kate leaves me to say hi to their parents. They're both beautiful, walking up to me with smiles.

Ethan runs up to me and hugs me, I hug him back and close my eyes to avoid eye contact with Grayson, that I feel next to me. He lets go of me and leaves me and Grayson alone.

"I haven't heard from you for a while" I tell him breaking the silence.
"I'm sorry Mandy. I may seem outgoing but when it comes to the person I love I get very shy. I'm so sorry" he says looking away.

Those words kept on rolling around in my head.

The person I love

He loves me.

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