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Two hours have passed already, we have three hours left. We mainly slept, and maybe took pictures of each other's sleeping positions but other than that we just chilled.

Our parents are all occupying a lane for them and we are behind them in a lane for ourselves. They have been kind I have to admit.

Me and Grayson are just acting cool for the moment, just after he told he loved me his mom arrived and told us we had to embark the plane. We still didn't get a moment for ourselves.

I giggle at Ethan taking a picture of him, where he adds a double chin and a weird face. Grayson does so too and I join his selfie making a weird and funny face. He laughs and saves the picture.

"This is going up on my Instagram" he says with a laugh and I squeal.
"No way! I'm horrible on it please!" I beg hitting his arm.

"You're not horrible! You can never be horrible" he says with a smile.

All I craved in that moment was to kiss him but with Ethan just next to us I controlled myself. I know he still likes me, I can't just go kiss Grayson like that in front of him. It's like torture, it would hurt him and I don't want that.

"Guys I'll never make it for other three hours" I sigh sitting back on my seat.
"Oh cmon Mandy! Let's watch a movie! We can connect the headphones and all" Ethan says lifting my moral up. I smile and get my earphones from my backpack.

In no time Ethan manages to put out three earphones in a weird device, so we start scrolling through the movie catalogue.
Most of the movies are new.

"Ooo the new James Bond" Grayson says getting closer to me.
"Seriously, every time we watch a movie you want to watch that one" I tell him.
"Well I like it, plus I haven't seen the new one yet" he frowns and pouts.

"Okay" I tell him giving in. He smiles and kisses my cheek.

I feel so friendzoned right now, oh my god.

"Guys I'll let you start the movie, I have to pee" Ethan says quickly with a slight chuckle and jogs away, leaving me and Grayson alone.

The planes lights who were dim, turn off and we are left in the dark, a light coming from the screen in front of us.

"Mandy?" He whispers.
"Yes?" I whisper back facing him.

"Now that we're alone... Can I kiss you?" He asks lowering his voice and looking away, ashamed by the words. I nod quickly and he looks up with a smile. He gets closer to me, trying to break the wall that the two seats make between us, he places his hand on my cheek and connects our lips.

This is the second time we officially kiss, if we count our make out session as the first time. Yet every time our lips connect I feel so good. Like all the weight I have inside of me has been lifted up.

"Mandy-" he starts saying once we part, but Ethan's footsteps stop him and we sit back normally.

"You waited for me" he smiles siting down and putting his earphones on. Grayson and I exchange a look and giggle.

Ethan clicks play and the movie starts off with an action scene and bombs and running and killing. Typical James Bond.

I feel Grayson get closer to me and he slides his hand into mine, very discretely to hide from Ethan's eyes. I turn to him and smile, squeezing our hands together. He smiles back and looks away, at the screen.

Ethan is next to me too, inches away, his head slightly turned towards me and getting closer and closer to my shoulder. I hope he knows I wouldn't mind if he put it on my shoulder. After all we're still friends, I still love him so much, in a friendly way.


Once the names start scrolling down the screen and sigh. Ethan is fast asleep, wrapped around a sheet but Grayson is still awake, our hands still joint together.

I turn the screen off and take off Ethan's earphones. I slide a pillow under his head and smile at his cuteness. He smiles slightly in his sleep and murmurs a small thank you.

I smile and turn back to Grayson who is contemplating the dark sky outside the window. It's nighttime, and we can spot a few stars, not far away from where we are.

I put my head on his shoulder and look outside like him. There are so much feelings this kind of situation wakes up inside of me. Only cause contemplating the stars makes me dream, with Grayson by my side everything is clearer and the stars nearer.

"Mandy?" he whispers turning to me.
"Yes?" I mumble, my eyes closing a little.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, gulping in the end, like if a weight was being taken off him.

I smile, given the fact that in this situation I could never frown, get up from his shoulder and nod several times, making my neck ache a little. He smiles back at me, with his white teeth and kisses me.

I am officially the happiest person alive.

After our third make out session, and yes I'm counting, I place my head on his shoulder and fall fast asleep in his embrace and perfume, that I will never get sick of.

The rythme of his heart plays in my ears like a lullaby.

Two➳E.D & G.DWhere stories live. Discover now