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After a whole afternoon of going up and down elevators of huge skyscrapers we are finally back at the hotel. Once I push my key into the door it clicks and I immediately kick my shoes off and run to the couch, laying down fully dressed but tired. I lazily look at the time on my phone, it's eleven pm but for me it's like eight.

"I can't possibly go to sleep at eight" I mumble stretching and getting up. I head to the bathroom turning the water on and making it splash until I'm undressed. I slip into the bathtub and immediately feel relieved by its hot temperature. I add some soap in it and look out of the window just beside me.

The city is lightened up like fireworks. Every single building has its lights on making the city that never sleeps at night even more real. In the little windows of each building you can see the little shadows of the people behind the curtains. The skyline is so breathtaking.

I dip myself a little more in the water and shut my eyes as I listen to the melody that my phone is playing. I wonder what the twins are doing right now, probably having a pillow fight or something you tubers find funny. I chuckle rolling my eyes at their cute silliness and quickly wash myself.

Once out of the tub I run to the first towel I see as I am freezing to death, and wrap myself around it making my body fill with goosebumps. I grab another towel and wrap it around my damp hair.

I decide not to wear any make up even though the twins are going to get scared if they see me and just wear something super casual. And by super casual I mean my pyjama shorts and a tank top. I slide into an enormous sweater and brush my damp hair before heading out.

My flip flops make their noise until I reach the door and grab the key. I put my phone in my pocket and get out of the room, putting my key in the other pocket.

In a split second I am in front of their room but I frown frightened by the muffled yelling and thuds that come from inside. This doesn't sound like a pillow fight. I run to the door and band loudly on it making the noises inside stop. After a few seconds Grayson appears opening the door, his eye slowly turning blue. I hear Ethan groan from inside the room and push Grayson away speechless as I enter the room, a clear frown on my face.

Ethan is on the floor, his face in pain and his lip cut on the side is bleeding. He is holding with one hand in the other arm, his eyes shut.

"What is happening!?" I yell making Ethan open his eyes and get up surprised.
"Nothing, just a friendly fight between brothers" Grayson says from behind me and I turn around frowning even more at his lies.
"Liar! This doesn't really look like a friendly fight, at all! Now you better tell me the truth!" I yell louder then before, disappointed in their behaviour.

"Listen Mandy it's stuff between us" Ethan says getting out of his hurt state and getting back to a normal face.
"Oh is it? Sure! Listen I'll sit here of this bed until you don't tell me what is happening" I say angrily sitting on the bed beside me, legs crossed arms crossed. They both give each other a look and glance back at the angry me.

"He spends too much time with you! He's always telling you adorable stuff and all that crap making me look like an idiot because I stand next to you and do nothing as this idiot flirts with you!" Grayson yells to me like if it was my fault, making me feel twice as bad as I felt a few seconds before discovering their fighting because of me.
"I don't even see the problem! You two aren't even dating bro!" Ethan yells back defending himself and getting back up, approaching Grayson with an angry look. I bolt up and stand between the two.

"You know what! Yes we are dating! Hell yes! And we have made out more than you can imagine something that'll never happen to you loser here" Grayson yells back sticking to me without noticing as he tries to hit Ethan. I put all my strength on him and push him away making a small whimper fall out of my mouth.

They both look at me, silent, as I push my way to the door.
"I can't even believe you guys!" I screaming tears running down my cheeks "look at you two, the inseparable Dolan twins fighting for me, stupid douchebags! Don't you realise I want to make things right? And because I do, Grayson it's over" I yell but talk normally for the last few words that come out of my mouth. Making me regret instantly and making my heart squeeze, I fall immediately on the ground against the door and touch my heart as it doesn't stop squeezing.

"I'm sorry but I have to, clearly if I wanna be friends with you and make it work feelings can't float between us." I tell them out of breaths and yells. My heart calms down making me get up again as they look down at me. Grayson is crying, he's such a sensitive boy that's what I loved about him. Ethan is looking down upset.

"Amanda please don't leave me, I'm begging you" Grayson whispers. I just shake my head as I look at Ethan who's eyes are on me waiting for an answer.
"You realise it's gonna be even worst now, given the fact that it's his fault if you left me" Grayson continues pointing at Ethan making him jump on to him.

They are now on the ground, Ethan punching Grayson. I run to them, pushing Ethan off him and helping the both of them up. Grayson doesn't leave my hand once standing but I slide mine away putting them in my pockets.

"Guys please stop!" I beg tears escaping out of my eyes, I'm so tired "it's not his fault, it's your fault too! You were being jealous fighting too" I tell him wiping away the tears.

"Mandy I'm so sorry" Ethan says walking up to me and wiping a tear away, wrapping his arms around me, I slowly push him off, I don't think it's the right moment. My gaze crosses with Grayson's and I frown.

"Guys I'm leaving now you better not fight." I tell them walking up to the door, my hands shaking. I quietly turn around, they are both looking at me with guilty looks. I look down and open the door, shut it behind me and run into mine locking the room. I fall on my bed and make the different confused tears run down.

Hey guyss its B, I just wanted to say that I'm not going to update until I get 20 views for this chapter! It's a goal of mine so vote share and all <3 <3 love you all

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