chapter 2

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Aaron in the pic!


"Are we almost there yet? I'm hungry." I whine like the child I am. But my dad just ignores me. He takes a turn into a driveway of a beige house.

"Is this our house?" I ask.

I eye the house through the car window. It's actually pretty nice. A little to extravagant for my taste but I know these type of things is what my parents like.

He nods " Yep. Do you like it?" he answers with a smile of satisfaction. I never really got why people are so obsessed with money. But at the same time only a spoiled little kid who was given everything would say that. So maybe that's the problem with me. I was given too much.

But it still doesn't take away the fact that people with money act like they rule the world. It's as if they feel they are more holy then everyone based on their wealth. I've never understood that logic.

"Why don't you go look inside." My mom urges and hands me a key. I smile and grab the key.

I open the door and am greeted with a vainglorious house. My parents are a bit much at times. But I mean they work for it and I don't so, who am I to talk?


"Screw you Aaron!" Luke shouts at me and throws a book at me.

I dodge the book and sigh. I frown. "Luke you're my friend and all but... I'm strait so I don't want to screw you" I tell him and I force my lips in a tight line.

Luke glares at me. "Shut the hell up Aaron. I'll run you over with my truck." He threatens causing me to burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Stop being such a damn baby and get back to the game." I roll my eyes and he huffs but listens anyways.

We continue to play on my PS4 until Luke shouts and groans in annoyance again. "God damn it! I fucking hate you!"

I laugh, he always loses to me. Yet each and every time he acts like he lost a war. But in his defense no one can beat me at this game. I've played this specific game since I was ten years old.

"It's not my fault I'm good everything. So you really shouldn't feel bad because I'm just amazing at everything. How can you compare to that? You can't." I smirk.

He glares at me. "Shut the hell up Aaron and get off your high horse. And you're not good at everything you jackass. You just practice this stupid game everyday. You have made it your life purposes to beat me!" He shouts at me with a proud look, as if he just discovered something amazing. I raise my eyebrows and rub my hand on my chin.

"Do you seriously think I have made it my life purpose to beat you in video games?" I ask. I seriously wonder about this guy.

He nods "Yep! You have no life and this has been your life purpose since I've met you."

I shake my head. "But seriously Aaron you need to stop. It's time for you to stop obsessing over me and get yourself a life." He tells me with a sympathetic voice.

This guy is absolutely insane. Why is it always my friends that go crazy? "Luke are you cra-" Luke cuts me off and continues.

"And YES! I know I'm amazing and good looking in every way, but f*ck Aaron that doesn't give you the right to obsess over me. That's just not healthy." He puts his hand on my shoulder and closes his eyes, while putting his other hand on his heart.

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