chapter 3

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Zinnia's outfit for school ^



"I'm going to commit suicide. This is it. You better say your good byes because after tonight I will be gone."

I hear her sigh over the phone. "Can you be any more dramatic, Zinnia?"

I scowl. "Lilly, I would rather kill my self right here, right now then go to a random school were I know absolutely no one. Also you've heard the rumors about California. This place is filled with disrespectful f*ck boys." I exclaim.

"Yes I've heard that. But don't judge based off rumors. It might not be that bad. It will be a chance to make new friends. Just try and stay positive. Remember your motto, positive thoughts equal positive attitude!" She chirps and I groan.

"Yeah well all my positivity seems to have been thrown out the window and crushed by a random biker and then thrown in the garbage that was eventually taken to a fire. So that's long gone."

"Zinnia, you need to relax. Everything will be fine! You're going to make the best out of your situation and have a ton of fun. Look I gotta go, it's late and I have to sleep. Call me or text me if you need anything." She says quickly and hangs up.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. I glance at the time and groan. It's already ten. I need to sleep or I'll be cranky in the morning.

I angrily go to my dresser and grab my pajamas. "Stupid California." I mumble as I take out a large shirt. "Stupid school." I grab some shorts and throw them on my bed.

I lift my shirt, a light flashes and blinds my eyes. I squint and see a person across my window. I pull my shirt back down and walk over to the window.

I open my window and I come into contact with a boy. I squint my eyes to get a better look and then he turn on his lamp and my eyes widen. Damn, he's hot... Okay more than hot, he's gorgeous.

He stares at me and I stare back. Wait so this was the bright light? This stupid boy was trying to watch me change? I glare at him and he smirks.

"What the hell are you smirking at, perv?"

His smirk turns into a grin. "Well do you see anyone else here but you? Not the brightest light bulb are you?" He chuckles and I huff.

I glare at him and cross my arms. "Shut up. Why were you watching me, you creep. That's weird and stalkerish. And I'm pretty sure also illegal."

He shrugs. "What's your name?"

I scowl and clench my fist. "What is wrong with you?! Is this how all Californians are? Creepy?! You could've saw me change without my permission!" I exclaim.

He chuckles. "Well it's not like I would've minded. I actually would've very much enjoyed watching, doll face. But I mean if not today I can wait until you give me 'permission'." He smirks and I'm pretty sure my face turned red in embarrassment and anger.

"First don't call me that. And second, who says I will ever give you permission to see me naked you perv." I snap at him.

He chuckle. "Okay, okay. No need to get snappy, cupcake. And I know you will give me permission to do whatever I want with you in fact I bet you'll be begging for my attention one day."

I gasp and glare at him. I hate this guy. I would never beg for his attention let alone let him do whatever he wants with me. And the nickname cupcake is even worse than doll face!

I groan and throw my head back. I hate him! Who even nicknames someone after a dessert?

A sly smile makes its way on his lips. "Doll face save the groaning and moaning for later. Trust me we will have plenty of time."

I open and close my mouth about five times but no words come out. I just stand there gaping like a fish. "F*ck you." I snap and slam my window and curtains shut.

Of course I would have to get the cliche jerk next door.

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