Chapter 28

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Third person P.O.V

Zinnia got up from her bed feeling groggy from all the tears she shed last night. Not because she was necessarily sad about the break up more she felt bad for what she did to Dylan. She wondered about Dylan, he didn't come home last night. What she didn't know is that he was hooking up with a girl to block away the pain from the break up. But also because he felt allured by the bright blue eyed girl.

Aaron went to sleep happy that night because he had a plan to get Zinnia back by the end of her trip. He doesn't know about the break between Zinnia and Dylan yet. Which when he finds out he going to be thrilled about it.

After a few hours of drowning herself in self pity Zinnia got up from bed and got ready for the day. She wore a short cute black romper. It was strapless and has small brown buttons going down to the waist then it turns into shorts that reach higher then mid thigh. She paired it with tan flats. As for her hair she left it in loose waves falling down her back.

She walked out of her room and went down stairs to eat. She walked in the kitchen and was greeted by her dad. She grinned, Zinnia has only seen her dad once through this whole trip.
She goes up to him and hugs him. In return he smiles and lightly hugs her back then goes back to his phone, which he was doing business on.

Zinnia ignores how her father just plain out dismissed her and goes to the kitchen to makes a egg sandwich. After she was done cooking and eating, the doorbell rings. Her dad didn't make a move to get up anytime soon. Zinnia sighs and gets up from her seat to open the door. She opens the door only to be greeted by her Aaron.

Aaron sees Zinnia and his heart beats a little faster.

Zinnia notices he has his hands behind his back. She wondered why, what was he hiding Her thoughts got paranoid, was it a gun? A knife, duck tape to trap her voice, was he going to kidnap her because she was taking to long to give him an answer.

But her thoughts soon vanished when he moves his hands swiftly and he's holding a bouquet of different colored zinnias.

(Zinnia flowers ^)

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(Zinnia flowers ^)

Zinnias heart skips and she feels a weird tugging in her stomach. She turns her hands into fist and let's out a deep breath. She's weirded out by these feeling that's going through her.

Zinnia looks up to meet Aaron's eyes only to find him already staring at her intensely.

She feels heat rise on her cheeks and she knows she's blushing. "Um, uh- what made you bring these?" She ask referring to the flowers he's holding.

He hands them to her and smiles. "Just spoiling my girl." Aaron tells her simply and Zinnia blushed a deeper shad of red. Aaron chuckled, her cheeks where all red as if she just put on a ton of blush. But who needs blush when you have Aaron?

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