Chapter 14

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Aaron's P.O.V

"Alright class I'm gonna pair you up with a partner" the teacher announces.

She names off a few people, then I hear my name being called. "Aaron and Blake". What! great, just great. I have to deal with this jackass now!

I stay in my spot and Blake walks over to me. He sits in the seat across from me, so were facing each other. The teacher leaves and tells the class to do the assignment.

I glare at blake and he glares back. It stays like this for around a minute until Blake speaks "So whats the deal with you Zinnia" he asks and I smirk at the question.

"Why do you care" I answer smugly. Even though I already know, he like her and wants to be with her.

"Simple I like her and I want to be with her." he states shrugging his shoulders.

I clench my teeth together. "Well then thats just to fucking bad because she's mine!" I basically growl at him.

He stares at me for a little then crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. "Is she now?" he ask condescending.

I glare at him "Yea she is so you better back off unless you want to wake up in the hospital" I threaten.

He laughs dryly. "Well thats a little weird that your claiming her because I heard that she's just a bet." he tells me with a smirk of his own.

My eyes widen a little, how did he find out? God my friends are such gossipers! They're like teenage girls. I regain my composure "So what if she is" I challenge him.

He chuckles "Well then I guess you won't mind if I go tell her? Would you?" he ask smiling. That bastard!

I look him strait in the eye. "Tell her and your dead" I say with my fist and jaw clenching. Its so hard not to jump out of my seat and punch him strait in the face.

He looks at me squinting his eyes. "Now do you care only for the bet or do you actually like her" he laughs out.

I scoff and turn my head away not looking him in the eye. "Of course its for the bet, dumb ass."

He smirks at me "Interesting".


I get up from my chair but before  I leave I turn to Blake "I swear if you tell her i will kill you" I threaten. He just holds his hand up mockingly in return. I scoff at him and walk away.


I'm walking in the hallway. I decided I'm ditching, stupid Blake irritated me. As I was walking I see a short, brown haired, innocent looking girl. Zinnia.

I walk up to her from behind and wrap my arms around her waist. She gasp but she turns her head and sees its me, she visibly relaxes. I smiled at that.

"I'm ditching wanna come" I ask.

She looks at me wide eyes "No thats against the rules!" she tells me like its the worst thing ever, she's so cute.

I roll my eyes at her and chuckle "Your point?"

"The point is, its not allowed! So no i don't want to go." she states crossing her arms. Which pushed her boobs up. My eyes immediately wander down but I take all the self control I have in me and I stop my self.

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