Chapter 18

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Zinnia's P.O.V

It's been 4 week since the closet incident with Aaron. It was funny how he was all flustered when I left. He was probably so angry. He's used to getting what he wants when he wants but not anymore. I only did it because I was angry at him for trying to control everything about me.

He's getting a little better at his possessive issues lately....... Ok that was total lie but I usually yell at him when he acts like a damn cave man/ alpha male.

Even though he has problems I still have deep feelings for him. I think I might even be in love with him. But I'm not sure because I've never been in love. I don't really know anything about being in love. I feel like it should just come naturally but what if I'm wrong and it's way more complex than that. I just love talking with him, being with him, seeing him. We can do anything with each other and not get bored. I feel like I can just talk to him for hours and hours and have the time of my life. He makes everything better

He's not that jerky player I met when I first came here. I realize now that he puts up a walls with people to not get emotionally hurt again. But once it's knocked down I got to seeing the real Aaron. The sweet, funny, caring, sarcastic Aaron.
Currently I'm at school walking outside. I was gonna go sit on the tables but all of them are in the sun so I decided to go under a shady tree and sit in the grass.

I sit down and lean my back against the tree trunk and close my eyes and I let out a content sigh.

All of the sudden I feel two hands covering my eyes " guess who?" A deep voice ask but I know that voice anywhere.

I decide to mess with him " hmm.. Luke hemmings?" I say trying not laugh because I know he's going to explode.

He takes his hands off my eyes " WHO THE HELL IS LUKE HEMMINGS!" he shouts jealousy and anger clearly in his voice. I open my eyes and look at a very angry Aaron huffing while glaring at me.

I couldn't help it anymore I start to crack up laughing. I laughed so much it started to hurt, I held my stomach and tried to take deep breaths to contain myself. After a few minuets I start to calm my self down.

I look up at Aaron and he's just staring at me confused. I pat the ground right across from me for him to sit and he rolls his eyes and sits.

"I can't believe you actually got angry over that." I say with a slight chuckle.

His glare comes back remembering why he was mad " I'll ask you again. Who. The. Hell. Is. Luke. Hemming's" he ask slowly with with anger clearly in his voice, demanding me to tell him.

I roll my eyes and groan " he's a singer I listen to from 5 seconds of summer" I tell him nonchalant.

He pouts his lips crossing his arms "Wow. You got me all worked up for nothing".

I laugh at him and peck his lips " I'm sorry baby" I say in a baby tone looking at him innocently.

He growls and pulls my face towards his and starts to kiss me. I kiss him back for a few second then I push him away. He tried to lean in and kiss me again but I pushed him away and shook my head no.

"Why...." He whined like a little baby.

"Because I'm not gonna make out with you in public with people around" I say and he huffs.

"Fine" he says still acting like a child and I laugh at him

He moves and sits leaning against the tree and holds his hands out for me to come. I crawl to him and sit between his legs and lay my head on his chest, he wraps his arms around me. So where both facing forward.

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