Chapter 15

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Aaron's room^

Zinnias P.O.V

Aaron had me picked up in the air but he started to pull me down to were our faces were a few centimeters apart. He looks at my lips then back into my eyes. I think he's about to kiss me, butterflies fill my stomach at the anticipation but just when his face gets little closer I hear "Aaron I'm home! Oh! who's the hottie?"

Aaron closes his eyes then sighs in disappointment. He puts me down, back into the water. I feel my face start to heat up in embarrassment. God I can't believe we almost kissed. I've never kissed anyone, would I be any good at it? He's had so much experience and I've had none. I can feel my nerves getting the best of me so I take a deep breath to try and calm down myself down.

You know what I shouldn't care if he thinks I'm a good kisser or not. With that thought I finally calm down. I shouldn't try to impress someone if they don't want me so if he doesn't like how I kiss then he can leave.

I look to see who ruined the moment and I see the guy I saw from the picture like two weeks ago, Aaron's little brother......

His brother walks closer to us, he walks to one of the long lounge chairs and lays on it. He puts his hands behind his ears and relaxes his head on his hands. He sighs in in bliss and acts like where not even here.

Aaron groans in frustration at his brother and throws his head back. "what the hell do you want Zander!" Aaron yells, glaring at his brother.

His brother lets out a chuckle and sighs.  "well dear brother, I just came to see what you were doing. Is there anything wrong with that?" He ask innocently.

I laugh at his brothers statement and he winks at me, Aaron sees and glares at his brother. "Back off Zander! You just came out here to mess with me and because Zinnias hot." Aaron yells at him and I blush.

Zander chuckles and shrugs "ha. Well ya.." He says like it's nothing Zander then turns his attention to me "So your Aaron's new play thing?" He ask but it was more of a statement then a question.

I looked at him in shock I can't believe he just said that, but maybe it's true... Is he right? Am I just like all his other girls? Am I just another side chick? Would he just use me until he's done and then on to the next victim?

"Zander shut the hell up! Go inside!" Aaron shouts angrily at his brother which breaks me out of my thoughts. Zander just holds his hands up mockingly, winks at me then walks inside.

I turn my head to look at Aaron. His eye are glaring at the air, his lips are in a tight line and his jaw is clenched. He looks pretty upset. But maybe it's because what Zander said had some truth to it and he's mad that he told his secrets.

I clear my throat slightly and play with my wrist "uh, I should go..." I tell him awkwardly.

He furrows his eyebrows and squints his eyes. "What why?!" He asked but I feel to awkward to say the reason. How am I going to say 'oh because your brother basically just called me a slut and now I feel like your using me, so bye!'

So instead of saying that I just shrug. "Is it because of what Zander said because it's not true." He defends himself and his eyes lock with mine.

I move my eyes and avoid eye contact with him. "Really because it's hard not to believe what he said with your reputation" I accuse.

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