My Idea

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Chapter 9

Link's POV

Maggie announced the winners, it hit me. Lucie's talent was too good to be wasted. I have been looking for female assistant to help expand Heartly clothing for a while but no one so far has been up to my standards. Then there's Lucie someone who has been taught my one of the world's best designers and still has loads of skills to learn. She would be great for the business. I would have to put the idea forward to everyone first. Dad would say yes because he has seen how much hard work she outs into every little detail of her work. Then what would her parents say? I guess I will run it past them first.


The phone dialled.

"Hello?" a voice on the other end answered

"Hello this is Link Heartly may I speak to Mrs Rose?"


"Hi Maggie, you know I have been looking for an assistant for a while now. I was wondering what you thought of me asking Lucie to work with me. Not as an assistant but as a co-designer alongside me. Her talent is amazing."

"Link, I think that would be a brilliant idea! It has always been her dream to be a designer like ourselves. You must ask her soon though as I will not be able to keep it quiet for long!"

"Of course, I was thinking I would pick Lucie up from school on Thursday and ask her when we got to yours."

"That's cute. I just had a thought I will phone Susie and ask her if she has any room at your school then Lucie can improve her skill while working with you."

"Sounds brilliant! Thank you, see you Thursday. Bye"

"Yeah see ya, bye"

Sorted then I will ask her on Thursday.


By the time Thursday came, the plan was that I picked Lucie up from school then was going to meet my dad and Susie at the Rose house. Maggie had asked Susie if there was any room and Susie said there was always room for her god-daughter.

So now I am waiting at the spot about 10 minutes away from Lucie's school where Brian, the only permanent staff for the Rose's waits for Lucie. Hopefully Lucie will be over the moon to see me and then be happier to get this job but you can never guess how someone will really feel about something until it is happening.

"Hey, what you doing here?!" Lucie said as she arrived at the spot where Brian normally meets me to take me home, but instead of Brian it was me.

"Can't I surprise my beautiful girlfriend?" I said with a smile wider than a chester cat. Even in boring school uniform she looked amazing.

"Not when the whole school had a hissy fit about me meeting you".

"Haha? Really? I didn't think I had that effect on people!" I said with a smirk.

"Well it's a good job I am immune then" Lucie said winking at me

"Immune, yeah right" I said trying so hard not to laugh, she could even make something thats meant to ve saracastic sound cute, or am I really just that much head over heels for her.

"Yep" Lucie said popping the 'p'.

"Well, let's get you home there is a surprise waiting" I wish I didnt say that, she's not going to give up askung me about it now. That was a stupud mistake.

"Really? What is it?"

"Wait and find out"

"Noooooo, tell me now!"

"Can't you wait?"

"You know how impatient I am!"

"Who doesn't?"

"Tell me"

"No, you can wait!" I said laughing.

"Okay" Lucie said turning the music up and singing to One Direction's Live While We're Young and every over song that came on the radio for the rest if the journey.

"Ok, that's enough racket! We are home!" I shouted over the music.

"Yay! Now will you tell me?"

"Go inside first"

"Mum! Link won't tell me what the surprise is" Lucie shouted as she walked into the house.

"Was him picking you up not enough?"

"Yes but if that was my surprise he shouldn't have said anything else."

"He has a name!" I said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Sorry Link" Lucie said leaning back onto my shoulder, "I'm going to get changed out of this stupid school uniform."

"Okay, you can have your surprise after that!" Maggie said walking into the kitchen, as Lucie raced upstairs.


"Hell-hello?" Lucie said as she walked in and then froze in the doorway.

"Hi sweet-pea, how are you?" Susie asked

"I'm good, what about you?" Lucie asked.

"I'm good; it's great to see you again"

"And to you"

"So Lucie how was school?" Samuel asked.

"Don't beat around the bush, Samuel" Maggie said.

"Sorry darling"

"Lucie, I'm Marcus Heartly, Link's farther and owner of Heartly clothing lines. We all were talking about asking you to come and work with us at Heartly, working alongside Link on the teenage range. You showed great potential during the competition and would be a great designer to work alongside with."

"Don't make it sound like you came up with the idea dad!" I said.

"We all know you did Link, don't worry!" Maggie said letting out a small laugh.

"Urmmm..... It would be a great opportunity but I don't think I'm ready for high end fashion designing."

"What?" Susie's mouth dropped to the floor as if Lucie had told her Santa Clause wasn't real, "You're more than ready! I'm surprised that your mum has kept your talent a secret this long. I am more than happy to give you a place at my school for fashion designers, if you really don't think you have all the skills to go straight into work. Link still goes there!"

"That would be brilliant!" Her eyes lighting up with the idea of going to a fashion school, "But what would I tell my friends at school? My teachers?"

"The truth!" Someone said I was trying to take in her reaction, it wasn't what I thought would happen.

"I will have to think about it" Lucie said nervously.

"What is there to think about?" I asked unsure what she meant.

"Everything! My life will change. I will be telling everyone about the real me... well my parents and then the press will hear. I wouldn't be able to be a normal teenager!"

"Like me?"

"I'm sorry to say it but yes!"

"It's not as different as your making it out to be, I promise you" I said

"I promise you all I will think about it, it's just a lot to think about all at once"

Maybe there was more to this job than I thought but wouldn't her mum have thought about this? Is Lucie over thinking? Or did I not think clearly?


So here is Link's point of view. Hope you enjoyed it. It was hard to write without using the conversation from the last chapter I hope you don't mind the copying.

Next update friday.... I think, will explain why at the end if it

comment and vote please

Zo x

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