I Love You

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 Chapter 25

To some people saying 'I love you' is a big thing. It means a lot to say it to someone who’s not a family member but to others it just rolls off the tongue like the word hello. It's one fat lie. Said to cover the real emotion. 

To me, saying I love you means a lot and I never really said it to anyone before. In other relationships I never felt like I really loved them. But with Link, I feel different. I feel as if I do love him like when we kiss butterflies fill my stomach and I want more as soon as we part. Maybe I will tell him but don’t they say the man should make the first move, when he tells you 60% of the time it’s true. I think I might wait, only until I know the time is right.

“Lucie, you are doing it again” Mum says snapping me out of my daze.

“Sorry, I was just thinking”

“You are doing it a lot lately, is there something bothering you?”

“No, not at all”

“You would tell me if there was?”

“Of course”

“Then tell me?”

“Mum, I promise there’s nothing”


“Where we going?” I said turning back to look out of the window.

“To a sewing haul sale show”

“The one you go to every year?”


“Yayhh! I always wanted to go”

“Yeah, I thought you would want to go”

“I can get things to start making thing for the spring collection.”

“That’s why we are meeting the Hartley’s there”

“Great” I said, my smile growing at the thought spending the day with Link.

“You are smiling like a cat that’s got the cream." She said as we pulled into a parking space. 

"Thanks mum" I said feeling my cheeks going a little bit redder. 

"It's alright sweetie. You and Link are going to be the hottest couple of the year when you spill"

"Great, more attention"

"Sorry, but you have to get used to it"

"That's what I hate"

 "Hi honey" Sally said with a big smile giving mum a hug, it's surprising how two faced she can be. Last time I spoke to her she practically told me I wasn't good enough for her son because I hadn't got the right shoes on. 

"You alright chick?" She said smiling at me, a fake smile. It didn't reach her eyes

"I’m good thanks, you?"

"I’m perfect thank you"

"Let’s get in there before all the good things go"

As we walked into the warehouse, I was overwhelmed with how much it was packed. Everywhere you looked there was someone on a stall selling everything for buttons to silk. It was the complete opposite to what I thought I would be.


After hours and hours of walking around and picking up everything we needed at amazingly cheap prices, we all headed home and for the first time since this all started I felt like I was really doing this. Fashion designing is really my job. At the age of 17, I am a fashion designer. Such a scary thought but I now feel completely happy about it all. Now it's real. 


"Hey" Link said climbing through my window. This has become a habit of his. He just appears at the window at about 11pm, come rain or shine and we just chill. 90% of the time he ends up staying over then disappearing in a rush to get home in the morning so that his parents don't find out. 

"Hey" I said sitting on my bed flicking through channels.

"What you doing?"

“Trying to find something to watch"

"How about a film?"

"Your pick"

"Alright" he said picking a film and putting it on then climbing onto my bed to join me.

"I haven’t seen this in ages!" I said as Thunderbirds came onto the screen. Don't get me wrong the new films are great but no one can beat a childhood classic. Thunderbirds is one of my faveroutie films from growing up, call me a geek but so what. And busted sing at the end! Another childhood memory.

"Nor me but it's a classic"

We sat there and falling asleep watching the film in each other’s arms, today was a long day. 

"Lucie?" Link mumbled half a sleep.


"I love you" He said sitting up

"I love you too" I said as a stupidly big smile made an appearance on my face, just as our lips met. The kiss was mind blowing and the butterflies in my stomach erupted like fireworks. Don't they say you can see fireworks when you kiss the one? Well I can feel them. So maybe Link is the one. God, I hope so. 


Hey guys,  I want to clear up a few things that might confuse any if you in this chapter.

1. Thunderbirds is a film, which was originally a British puppet TV show during the 1960s. But here we are talking about the Film brought out in 2004 staring Bradley Corbet, Vanessa Hudgens and Bill Paxton. 

2. Busted is a boy band from 2001- 2004 that sang songs such as 'Thunderbird are go' 'Year 3000' and 'Airhostess'. Here's a link to the song 'Thunderbirds are go' = http://www.muzu.tv/busted/thunderbirds-are-go-music-video/253154/

I do not have any ownership over any of these. 

So yeah. Guys it has been great writing this story and seeing the reads grow. I am so pleased to see that it has 626 reads as I write this. I never thought this would ever happen. It has come out just as I had planned but better. Thank you for all the votes and comments it has been really helpful and has pushed me to continue, at some points I thought about giving up. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading it and enjoy all the books to come.

Thank you so much! 

Zoe xx

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The End :(

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