When She Met Him

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That was her name. How her mother found the obscure collection of syllables that evolved to create it, Teanna would never know. Her parents though that it was a good name, but Teanna disagreed. Her parents, on the subject of her nickname, disagreed.

Tea, that was her nickname. She prefered this shortened version of her name. She thought that the name she'd chosen was easier to say, easily slipping off her tongue instead of the patient pause between the two syllables Tea and Anna.

Tea's thought process drifted as she stared at the star covered sheet of fabric she had made. The material bunched around her hand as she played with the rough cloth. Her fingers traced the constellations of Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, guiltily remembering her first attempt to set up the wall of fabric. She'd gotten yelled at for cutting up the linens, but she couldn't get yelled at this time.

Tea had bought the material herself, paying back the money to cover what she had destroyed.

Despite the guilt brought by her earlier endeavor Tea was proud of her masterpiece. After all the time she had put into it she should have been.

A sound came from the other side of the room, the door creaking in its old age. The sound, while innocent, promptly woke Tea from her thoughts, The girl's surprised yelp resounded in the air as she fell, tumbling out of the window seat that she had made her perch.

Her cloth wall of stars towered above her like a real sky would, menacing and dark, no light shining through beside that provided by the alarm clock on her nightstand and a street lamp lurking outside.

Tea's ear twitched as she heard footsteps advancing. The girl sat up quickly as she looked around for the source of the noise. When she found none, Tea paused a moment, rubbing her sore arm.

The girl felt eyes drilling her way into her skull. Tea swallowed, afraid of what she might find as she slowly raised her head. She went millimeter by millimeter, not wishing to see any monster in the dark around her. Tea didn't think she would all that good at fighting monsters, not that she wouldn't try if any such creature were to try to show its face.

Her eyes landed on a pair of shoes, leather storybook like shoes that pointed at the toe. The she glanced further up, seeing dark pants an inch too short. Up and up she went glancing at a white button up shirt untucked beneath a scholar's jacket. A bowtie sat at this monster's neck, the bright fabric tilted to one side as if that small change would scream to the world about his rebellion. This is a man who is a scholar, the twisted bowtie said, he wears pants that are too short and shoes that are pointed, listen to him. Listen to his silent rebellion.

"Hello," A voice came from just above the bowtie, reaching out to Tea whose attention had been set completely upon the man's clumsy attire.

Tea jumped at the simple word, but she no longer had anything to fall off of. Her instinct found another way to get her in trouble, however, as instinct pumped her arms backward, fingers fumbling for some weapon to wield, but she found none.

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