Onto Other Matters

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Hello, thank you for getting this far,

I would like to thank the website transcripts.foreverdreaming.org because without them I would not have been able to write this. 


Thank you, Netflix, for taking off Doctor Who. I know it wasn't entirely your fault, but I don't remember the name of the network that did so, that'll do. (Just a sliver of sarcasm.) 


As to copy write, please allow me to use my own ideas, and don't copy everything I've worked so hard on. You can't get anywhere by taking the easy way through.

Doctor Who is not owned by me, so I cannot take credit for their ideas and I wouldn't dare to. Thank you makers and creators of such a fantastic show, I admire your hard work and hope to watch more. 

I hope I did not butcher the original concepts set about by the original creators, but I do love playing around with the concepts of time and space.


I also must apologize for the confusion of names, I did give a solid reason for the Teanna to Ailia transformation. In the next book it will go back to Teanna momentarily because of Amy, but Ailia was her nickname for a long while, so I will change in back to that when possible.


Thank you, Readers, Voters, and Commenters, you make Wattpad what it is. Without you people would not recognize that their world's of not-so-fiction can be bigger than just them.

And thank you my first readers, MakaydeeDawn and AdamDunsmuir. You made my day. Seriously, you can ask my sister, I was jumping up and down for about a week.


Thank you all,

And onto the next adventure,

What can I say, but to give a bow and let the curtain close.


-May of AWildHorsesFlame

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