Chapter 28 - Blink (Or rather don't)

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Gods, yes. Finally. I love this episode. -May

Chapter 28

Blink (Or rather don't)

Ailia stared at the angel in front of her, "Doctor," she called out, hoping for a voice to say something back.

"What? 'Lia? Ailia?" the Doctor's voice said from behind her.

Ailia felt a shadow fall across her.

"'Lia," the worry from the Doctor's voice vanished, a hand was placed on her arm.

"Doctor, I blinked and it moved. Statues don't usually do that, do they?" No matter how hard she tried, Ailia couldn't hide thewaver in her voice.

"No," the hand stiffened, the Doctor's voice hardened, "Not usually."

"Doctor. 'Lia," martha's voice could be heard behind them, "Doctor, what was wrong?"

"Martha," Ailia choked, "Martha, I wouldn't come out."

"Why?" Martha questioned, a creaking noise echoed as Martha stepped through TARDIS the doorway. A slam as the door shut, footsteps drawing closer to them.

The lights flickered.

"What's that?" Martha pointed towards the statue.

"A weeping angel," the Doctor held doom in his tone, "One at a time, back to the TARDIS. Martha, you first."

Gravel churned under Martha's feet as she turned away.

Lightning crackled overhead and the lights flashed off for a terrifying moment, coming back on after an eternity.

The stature in front of them moved forward, it's sculpted boy raised up, a stone arrow knocked, ready to draw.

"Doctor," Martha's voice quivered from behind them.

"Martha, go back to the TARDIS," the Doctor repeated.

"Doctor," Martha repeated, the Doctor moved to face her, checking for a quick second to insure Ailia's eyes hadn't flicked away from the statue.

"Doctor, it's blocking the enterance," Martha stared.

"Don't blink," the Doctor glanced between the two statues, "Back towards us, just don't look away."

"Doctor," the Doctor's gaze snapped to Ailia, "What are they doing to the lights?"

"Cutting off the power, energy they're stealing time energy," the Doctor carefully walked around the menacing sculpted figure, the blue light of his sonic screwdriver flicking and fading away the closer he got.

"You know that's not what I meant, Doctor," Ailia dared him to object.

The Doctor gave a hurried glance to her direction, old brown eyes observing the girl as best as they could, "They want to bounce us back in time, if we can't see them, makes their jobs a little easier."

A long second passed before the girl spoke again, "Doctor, you're going to kill me."

The Doctor chuckled, "Why would I do that?"

Ailia fumbled around in her pockets, feeling for something inside, when she pulled her shake hand out, holding a watch.

"Is that?" The Doctor didn't finish his question.

"Yes," Ailia didn't move the angel from her sights.

The Doctor moved closer, skirting around the angel, hovering at the edge of Ailia's vision, getting progressively closer.

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