Chapter 8 - Time

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Chapter 8


Tea blurily remembered staggering over to Rose and the Doctor who were standing awkwardly next to eachother, talking to a Captain Jack Harkness.

"Hey, there folks, what's up?" she asked, putting her arms over their shoulders in a very un-Tea-like gesture.

"You alright there Tea?" Rose asked, looking at the girl who was leaning most of her weight on her.

"No, I'm forgetting something," she pouted, "I hate forgetting things."

"Teanna?" Jack asked starring wide eyed at the girl.

"Hey, I punched you," Tea laughed pointed at the man.

"Teanna?" The Doctor asked, looking at Jack.

"You punched him," Rose almost laughed, but a look from Jack warned her not to.

"Yep, socked him in the jaw. Ha, dad, told me it was useful. Of course, there was always the Canadians..." she trailed off, knocking into a wall.

"Hey," the Doctor warned, leading her over to the bunk off to the spaceship.

"Did someone say something about Spock?" Tea swayed.

"Hey, hey, hey," The Doctor hushed, helping her onto the bed.

Tea fell asleep quickly her last words being something along the lines of, "Time and Bad Wolf. Funny things, Doctor."

The Doctor was looking at Rose, Rose was looking at her friend, Tea was dead asleep, and Jack was looking at the three of them in turn.

"What's going on here, Doctor?" Jack asked, "How do you know her?"

"How do you know her?" the Doctor countered, curiousity in his eyes.

"Like she said, socked me in the jaw. From what I could gather she was looking for the two of you," Jack answered honestly, trying to make up for his con-man ways, feeling guilty.

There was a pause and everyone just found something to do, leaving Tea sleeping in peace.

One question was bothering the Doctor more than anything else, how did she get onboard? Jack's ship, was camflogued, she should have missed it completely. The Doctor knew she was smart, but smart enough to find a camoflagued ship in the middle of a German airraid. That was a stretch, but the Doctor was busy so he ignored what he thought, filing it away for another day.


That was the day everybody lived, even Jack once Rose convinced him that Teanna was in Jacks ship, and if they were going to pick her up then they might as well stop for Jack.

By that time Teanna had woken up, staring at the ceiling of the spaceship, listening to Jack talk to his ship, Tea long forgotten, in one ear and the TARDIS playing music in the other.

"Well, hurry up then," Rose shouted to the two.

"But, Rose, I was watching you and the Doctor dancing. It's much more interesting from outside," Tea said the girl, but Jack was already up, dragging Tea behind him.

"Right and turn..." Rose instructed the Doctor. Or maybe she just promised to dance with him and the Doctor snapped up the oppurtunity, racing to get Tea and Jack before the bomb blew. "Okay, okay, try and spin me again, but this time, don't get my arm up my back!" The Doctor looks at her sheepishly, "No extra points for a half-nelson."

The Doctor seems rather put out, "I'm sure I used to know this stuff," then to Jack he says, "Close the door, will you. Your ship's about to blow up, there's gonna be a draft."

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