Chapter 20 - Meet the Author

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People, don't skip. It's not your typical meet the author a.k.a. it's part of the story. p.s. for future referance that is the woman. (not from sherlock) -MAY

Chapter 20

Meet the Author

After the Face of Boe and the Doctor's story, Martha and the Doctor found Ailia half asleep.

"She looks so young," Ailia heard Martha comment.

The statement was met with one vivid blue eye lazily opening and closing only seconds later.

"She can hear you," the girl muttered, her words ringing clearly in the empty alley, "And would like to inform you she is eighteen. Nineteen this August."

Ailia stood up, stretching, "You two done with your little heart to heart?"

The Doctor and Martha shared a look, "I guess," Martha laughed.

"You could have joined you know," the Doctor stated.

Ailia shook her head, "And ruin your moment, nah. On a related note, does the Martha stay?"

The Doctor looked confused for a moment and then looked at Martha, who, like Ailia, stared up at him, "Oh. OH! Yes. I mean, if she wants to."

Now it was Martha's turn to have two set of eyes on her, "Yes," Martha clapped, "Absolutely."

Ailia smiled a knowing smirk in the Doctor's direction and gestured towards the TARDIS, "Welcome to the TARDIS. We can go anywhere an be back in time for lunch. I don't really know the point of it, she probably has an infinate amount of kitchens, meaning that it wouldn't really matter if you needed to get back in time for lunch because then you could just eat lunch there...what was I saying?"

The Doctor laughed at Ailia, putting an arm over her and Martha and together they walked to the TARDIS.


"Alright," the Doctor said after giving Martha the offical tour, which consisted primarily of the Doctor pointing down hallways and saying, 'down there is' or 'this a *insert room name or brilliant invention here* oh, er, nevermind' and sometimes even a 'I honestly have no clue what's down here,' only he said all the in British terms that sounded like the opposite.

"Where to next?" the Doctor asked, somehow still bouncing around.

His question was met with two yawning faces.

"Bed," Ailia stated matter-of-factly.

Beside her Martha nodded in agreement, "A nap would sound nice," there was a pause, "But, uh, were do I sleep, exactly?"

The Doctor appeared slightly disappointed, as if he realized everything once again, "Of course, one room coming right up."

"Molto bene," Ailia muttered under her breath.

"Why'd you say very good?" Martha asked, giving the girl a look.

Ailia glared at the ceiling, "Thanks alot, Blue. Stop translating my languages."

Martha and the Doctor stared at the girl strangely.

Ailia didn't appear to care, "I'm going to bed now, and if this is as much of a time machine as you say it is, I get ten hours."

The Doctor nodded, slightly amused, watching the girl plop down onto the pilot seat behind him as he typed up the commands for a room.

"Okay, Martha, just go down that hall, six doors down, turn left at the cooridor, take the middle right, under the stairs, and straight down to the left," the Doctor explained, looking up to the confused expression of Martha Jones.

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