Chapter 1 - Dr. Roberts

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As I disembarked the airplane, I checked my phone for the time and the location of where my ride was supposed to meet me. Making my way thru the airport terminal, I located baggage claim and retrieved my luggage. Ugh, this bag is so heavy. Thank heaven I purchased the rolling suitcase.

After retrieving my case, I made my way over to the area Dr. Phillip Roberts designated as our meeting spot. Since my flight arrived early I make a slight detour to the nearest coffee shop and pick up my favorite iced mocha drink. Sipping on my drink I wait at the designated bench near baggage claim. Thankfully, there is really only one rainbow colored bench in the terminal. Guess that's why he told me to wait here.

Pulling out my phone I re-read the email that has changed my life.


Dr. Sang Sorenson, DO, PhD

555 Sunnyside Court

Chicago, IL 60603

Dear Dr. Sorenson,

It is with great pleasure that we extend to you an offer of employment for the 2015 – 2016 school year with The Academy. Included as attachments to this offer is your salary and benefit expectations, faculty housing information, and all information on our faculty training. I have also included information on how to request privileges at our Academy run hospital.

A response to this offer of employment is requested no later than 3 business days from now.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Phillip Roberts, MD, PhD

Director, The Academy

No matter how many times I've read that, a smile still crosses my face. I finally had a reason to leave Illinois and my horrible family behind. I finally had a place to call home, a hospital to work at, and a place to help children who were like me. It was what attracted me to the position in the first place.

During my interview, Dr. Roberts explained to me that most of the students that attended come from broken homes; often the Academy itself is legally responsible for their welfare. I had made it my life's mission to work with those who suffered a childhood like mine. Abuse, neglect, and an unstable family life were the norm during my formative years. I managed to keep my grades up and get out, but so many do not.

"Dr. Sorenson?" A friendly male voice calls me out of my musings.

Standing to shake the gentleman's hand, "Dr. Roberts. Thank you again for coming to get me. I wish you would have let me just take a cab though."

"Nonsense, my dear. You shouldn't spend your first day in a new state fighting with cab drivers over their overpriced fares! And please, call me Phil."

"Well, thank you again, Phil. Please call me Sang. Shall we be off?"

"Of course. Do you have any more luggage?"

"No, just this bag and my carry on. I have a few things that are being shipped down from Illinois, they are set to arrive tomorrow. But with the faculty housing I was able to sell many of my items and travel light."

"Yes, we are really proud of the housing available. We find that it encourages our team mentality and creates a family atmosphere among the staff."

"That's wonderful. I'm really looking forward to meeting my colleagues and setting up my space."

"Well, there will be plenty of time for that. And if you need any help, I'm sure that your other faculty members will be more than willing." I will my eyes to not roll back. Yeah, I'm sure the first thing they want to do is help the new girl with her stuff.

Putting on a fake smile, "Oh, that would be great, but I'd like to try to do it myself."

Phil nods at me and loads my large bag in the trunk before climbing into the driver's seat. The ride to the academy is quiet except for the landmarks that Phil points out along our route. "The aquarium is over there. Dr. Toma and Dr. Korba both work there part time." A few miles later, "Over there is the Museum of Modern Art, Mr. Colman works there as well."

"Does everyone teach and have a second job?"

"Indeed. We encourage our faculty to work outside of the Academy school setting so that they get real world experience in their fields and maintain a presence in the community. We've structured our time at the school so that our students and staff can get the most out of the education in the shortest time possible."

"I must say, your school is extraordinary. I am surprised that the state board of education has not asked for your graduation data and to send in educators to study your methods."

"We try to keep our students away from the state as much as possible. Many of them were in foster care and distrust authority figures. We build up their trust in the Academy through a boot camp, team building exercises, and a staff that has to go through the same basic training as the students. We do not ask our students to do anything that we are not prepared to do ourselves."

I give a halfhearted laugh. "Well, that certainly explains why I have a suitcase filled with cargo pants, t-shirts, and boots."

"Well, you will be in good company. We have a large crop of new faculty members this year."

"Oh, thank heaven. I've been running every day since I got the letter, but my physical strength is not something I would put proudly on my resume."

Phil lets out a full laugh at this. "Well, don't worry. We're not looking for body builders, although you'll find a few of our new faculty members who could give Arnold Schwarzenegger a run for his money." No pressure then!

"Ah, here we are. Welcome home, Sang."

"Thank you, Phil." It's nice to have a place to call home.

Phil enters thru the front gates with the same scrip A that was on my offer letter on the gate. When Phil had come to Illinois to interview me he brought photos of the campus. I can safely say that they do not do the grounds justice. The lawn is immaculate groomed, there is a large 3 story school building, impeccable training and physical education areas, and two dormitories; one significantly larger than the other. We drive up to the smaller of the two and I notice a tall man with dark brown hair and glasses unloading a tan sedan of boxes.

"Oh good, he's arrived. Come Sang, I'll introduce you to one of the other new faculty members."


A/N: Ok, so we are not onlygoing to meet the Blackbourne team, but also the Toma team. There is so muchmore to come. 

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