Chapter 13 - Dr. Owen Blackbourne

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I recognized the piece immediately. Victor had picked Winter by Vivaldi. His eyes would glance up at me every so often and the depth of emotion was breathtaking. The man he played with was stoic, but the feeling he put into the music was palpable. He played with a sadness that I recognized from listening to Victor's recordings. He's broken too. I was itching to go up on stage and wrap him in a hug. Something about the way he closed himself off made me want to shake him until he let me in.

The duet ended to thunderous applause and after they each took a bow Victor addressed the crowd. "Thank you, this last piece is called Mysterious and was originally performed by Yuko Ohigashi. I find it fitting as I am embarking on a new journey. There are many mysteries in this life that I am looking forward to discovering. I would also like to take this moment to thank my guest, Dr. Owen Blackbourne, for agreeing to perform with me on such short notice." Victor went over and gave Owen an awkward man hug considering they were trying to avoid damaging the violin he was holding onto.

As soon as they started playing I settled into the music. It was one of my favorite pieces, relatively unknown to many outside of Japan, but the transcription to a duet from a solo violin piece was causing my insides to flutter. Either that or it's watching these two gorgeous men make equally beautiful music. I thought the applause after Winter was grand, I was wrong. The end of this concert was thunderous; the floor vibrated beneath my feet. Victor was called out for 3 extra curtain calls each louder than the previous.

Our group waited until most of the theatre had emptied. We wanted to make sure that Victor had time to greet his public before we asked him about dinner. When we caught up with him sometime later, he readily agreed and mentioned that we could leave in 15 minutes. "Princess," he called to me, "I would like to introduce you to my good friend, Dr. Owen Blackbourne." He gestured to the gentleman next to him and my breath was taken away. His eyes were like molten steel, his cheek bones defined, and his jaw line was square. The grey suit he wore was perfectly tailored for him with a crisp white shirt and a maroon tie with a perfect Windsor knot. "Dr. Blackbourne, this is Dr. Sang Sorenson. She is also working at the Academy this year."

"Dr. Sorenson, it is a pleasure to meet you." He addressed me formally. Oh, this will never do.

"Please, call me Sang and the pleasure is all mine. You play beautifully." He gave me a curt nod and I knew that getting through that tough outer shell was not going to be that easy; I'm determined to find that chocolate center though. Dr. M&M you can't hide from me forever.

We all made our way back to the bus Blake had rented and I was pleased to hear the animated and enthusiastic chatter among the group. They genuinely loved the performance. Even Dr. Drama Queen was saying positive things. She can be taught! Blake had made reservations for us at a local bistro. It was one of those places that had a small room in the back for parties; with our large group they opened it up for us. The booze flowed freely and when our honored guests joined us there was a pleasant buzz going among the group.

Blake had ordered champagne and Axel stood up to address the group. His long hair was pulled back and he looked at all of us with that stern and commanding gaze until we complied with his silent command to quiet down. Ok, Dr. Rapunzel, let down your hair and relax. It's supposed to be a celebration.

"All, I would first like to thank Victor for having us all out for his performance tonight. It was certainly an exciting way to start the new year. I know that I speak for both myself and Dr. Blackbourne when I say that we are pleased to have all of you join us and are looking forward to getting to know each of you better in the coming year." Axel raised his glass and we all followed suit. "Congratulations, Victor!" We echoed his sentiment and Victor gave us all a nod of his head in recognition. It would have been rude if it wasn't for the emotions clearly written across his face. He wasn't used to the praise from people he respected.

Dinner was divine, even Luke and Marc were commenting on how good the food was. Victor, Corey, and Kota were deep in discussion about math and computers, North and Brandon were going on about cars and motorcycles, and the rest of the group were quickly pairing off discussing multiple topics. I had ended up between Sean and Dr. Blackbourne; Sean was discussing local areas of interest with Blake and Dr. Blackbourne seemed perfectly content to sit quietly and observe. Not on my watch, mister I'm to formal for my own good.

"So, Dr. Blackbourne, what do you teach?"

"I am teaching psychology and human behavior. I am also a licensed counselor." Well, that explains the need to sit and observe.

"Axel mentioned that this is your second year with the Academy, any words of wisdom to impart for a new comer?"

He seemed surprised that I knew he had been here before. "I take it Dr. Toma also mentioned that it was his second year as well?" I nodded. "I see. Well, I can only suggest that you prepare for everything. The Academy is not like any other school in the world. We focus on helping our teachers as much as our students. You'll have to learn to trust those around you as if they were your family." I try to hold in the wince at the mention of family, but I must not be successful. Dr. Blackbourne leans over to whisper in my ear, "My door is always open should you need to talk, Dr. Sorenson." I give him an embarrassed nod, but his eyes hold mine. They convey the sincerity of his offer. Dr. M&M wants to help.

Soon enough, dinner comes to an end and we make our way back to the Academy. When we arrive we quickly help Victor carry up his belongings. With so many of us we are done in one trip. Gabriel has moved to quickly command his troops and with our new motto of "Sure, Gabe" Victor's room is put together in no time. Soon enough, we all disburse back to our rooms to finish packing for our boot camp.

After making surethat my bag was packed with everything I would need, I think back on my firstday in South Carolina. Kota, my first friend, was right.... "Dorothy, we're notin Kanas anymore." And I couldn't be happier about it.


A/N: A Report should be out shortly.

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