Chapter 9 - Dr. North Taylor, Dr. Luke Taylor, & Dr. Silas Korba

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Gabriel leaned out of the door of Nathan's room into the hallway and called out, "What the hell are you yelling for?" Really, Gabriel? As if you are not yelling down the hallway now.

The person down the hallway calls back. "Well, if my idiot brother didn't drop a box on my foot, I wouldn't be yelling!" Oh cute, he got his brother to help him move. Kota looks around at Sean, Nate, and I and gestures towards the hallway.

"Come on. Let's go save the brother from his obviously charming sibling." The sarcasm dripping from Kota's statement has me giggling as we exit.

As we are walking down the hall I notice the imposing figure standing in front of room 303. He's well defined, not quite as muscular as my Dr. Muscles, but well-built none the less. Looking at his wardrobe I internally giggle thinking about what Gabriel will say. I have never seen so much black on one person. The stubble of facial hair gives him an extremely pronounced jaw. His eyes though are dark, captivating, and I feel like they are boring straight through me. His overall demeanor is dark and brooding, but I like to think that it's an act. Dr. Sunshine dresses in all black.

Gabriel is already headed down the staircase towards the parking lot by the time we get to room 303. Kota quickly introduces us and asks if we can be of any help with unloading. "Yeah. There's three of us with stuff in the truck." Before Dr. Sunshine can give us his name Kota has us moving to the stairwell. Three of them? I'm following behind Kota, Sean, and Nate when Dr. Sunshine stops me, "Baby girl, you don't have to carry our stuff." Typical man. Always trying to save the girl.

The glare I give him could cut a person in half it was so sharp. "One; I am not your baby girl. Two; I am going to assume that your comment was an attempt to be nice and not some chauvinistic representation of what you women are capable of. So if you don't mind, I'm going to go grab a box." Thankfully he has the good grace to look apologetic. I don't think he was expecting me to fight back though.

He walks with me to the font of the building where Kota is busy directing his troops in how to unload this in the least number of trips. I stand back and look for the two others who arrived with Dr. Sunshine.

Standing near the truck must be the two people that came with Dr. Sunshine. One is huge! He is definitely more than 6 feet tall with extremely broad shoulders, olive complexion, and dark almost black hair. Dr. Jolly Green Giant is muscular as well. Still not quite as built as Nathan, but he beats out Dr. Sunshine. The person standing next to the giant is the complete opposite. Sure his skin is tanned, but you can tell it's from the sun. He has light blonde hair and a mischievous grin. Perhaps I should have called him Dr. Sunshine? Nah, the humor I gleam from calling someone dressed entirely in black Dr. Sunshine is just too much to give up. Now, what to call my new friend? The light blue cotton shirt with most of the button undone paired with long board shorts reminds me of those bad tourist adds for a beach somewhere. Dr. Surfer hotness. That will fit you just fine.

As I look over our three new staff members I cannot figure out which two are related. Dr. Sunshine said that his brother dropped a box on his foot, but neither Dr. Jolly Green Giant or Dr. Surfer bare any resemblance to Dr. Sunshine.

Kota drags me out of my musings by calling my name and pointing to a large bag for me to carry up. Thank you for not babying me, Kota! When I go to grab it I notice that it is extremely light. Well, I spoke too soon. As I get to the front entry way I notice that Dr. Surfer comes flying out of nowhere to open the door. How in the world did you sneak up on me like that? "Here you go, Cupcake."

"Uh, thanks. I could have gotten it though. You didn't have to come running over here just for the door."

"Cupcake, you are in the south. Do you want me to take a beating?"

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