Chapter 10 - Dr. Yevgeny "Raven" Ravensthal

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North continues to speak in a language no one else seems to understand. Silas keeps looking over concerned, but you can tell he's not exactly sure what is going on either.

North hangs up his phone with a huff and looks over at Silas, "The motherfucking Russian needs help unloading his stuff." Silas groans but starts to get up. Not surprising, the rest of the guys get up and follow North and Silas. Luke and I are the last to exit.

"Luke, who's the Russian?"

"Dr. Yevgeny Ravensthal. But don't ever call him by his first name. He goes by Raven. Also, don't listen to anything he has to say; unless it's about weapons or military history. Then you follow every word he says like it was the bible." Weapons and military history? Are we training soldiers?

When we reach the front of the building an extremely tall man with broad shoulders is standing near a truck. He has black jeans and black boots on but no shirt so you can clearly make out his tattoos. His stance is rigid and his face set to intimidating. That is until he spots North and then a mischievous grin breaks out. "West! You bring enforcers!"

"It's reinforcements."


North is getting grumpier by the minute, and you can just tell that this Raven character is soaking it up. If North is Dr. Sunshine, I guess that makes Raven Dr. Rainbows. With the tattoos he is certainly colorful enough. Sunshine and rainbows; today is a day when I make myself laugh.

As has become the norm for our merry band of misfits, Kota takes over with quick introductions and Raven's eyes lock on mine. Walking over he bends down to pick up my hand and brings the back of it to his lips. "Zdravstvuyte, dovol'no malen'kaya ptitsa." (Hello, pretty little bird.) Luke quickly grabs my hand away from Dr. Rainbows.

"Leave her alone, Ravensthal."

"Lucifer! Did West let you out of your cage?" The look on Luke's face turns murderous. Thankfully Kota diffuses the situation before it can get out of hand.

"What room are you in? We should start carrying this stuff up." He throws an army green bag with Cyrillic lettering at Luke. When Luke catches the bag he looks at Kota before giving a curt nod and heading back into the building. Raven lets us know that he is on the second floor and we all grab our designated item from Kota before heading in.

When we reach the second floor the holy hotness twins and Axel come out of their rooms to see what the commotion is. Quickly realizing that we are carrying in items they head down to pick up more items. With 12 of us working, it takes only 2 trips to bring in everything. Thank heaven for that. I'm not sure I can do many more stairs today.

Gabriel tries to take over setting up Dr. Rainbow's room, but we all quickly learn to just leave his items where they are.

Axel, Corey, and Brandon introduce themselves to Raven, North, Silas, and Luke. Corey and Raven seem to hit it off right away talking about children's television shows of all things. We learn that Raven learned English from Watching Spongebob Squarepants. Yes, that definitely seals his fate as Dr. Rainbows.

When instructed, we help unload a box but are careful not to touch anything unless told to do so. His gruff voice making everything he says sound more stern and intimidating than it really is. I have to admit, I am less comfortable with the guys on the second floor thank I am with those who live on mine. I do enjoy learning more about them though.

Dr. Rainbows isn't very forth coming with information. When asked a question, he answers in as little works as possible. And he only seems to want to answer questions if I ask them. Pulling books out of a box he hands them to me and points to a shelf. I dutifully make my way over there and place them on the shelf. Since I'm unsure of the Cyrillic alphabet, I decide to place them by size from smallest to largest.

Raven comes over with more books and speaks in a low tone. "Tomorrow, we go for fruit, yes?" What in the world?

"Uh, fruit?"

"Where I come from, girl sits at table in restaurant." He pointed to me. "Guy buys her fruit salad" Then he pointed to himself.

"What does fruit salad mean?"

"Introduction," he said "Means.... I would like to make your acquaintance." Oh, did he just ask me out?

"I can't. I have to go to the hospital and register with them for my privilages there."

"You have boyfriend?" Forward much?

"Uh, no."

"Good. We go for fruit later. Then I show you how Russian's say good morning to their wives." WIVES? OH HELL NO.

Thankfully my look of panic must be noticeable, as Sean comes over to where I'm standing with my mouth open trying to formulate and answer.

"Pookie? Did you finish all of your paperwork for the hospital tomorrow?" Dr. Flirty I could kiss you right now.

"No, I should get to that." I quickly place the books I was holding on the shelf. "It was nice to meet you Raven. But that paperwork won't complete itself." I give me a small smile and turn to exit. Sean puts his arm around me in an obvious possessive gesture and I couldn't have been more thankful.

When we get back to the third floor I head over towards my door and Sean follows. Over the next few minutes all of my third floor boys show up and spread out among the available seating. "Pookie, I think we need to keep you away from the second floor. That's twice I've had to rescue you from one of them!" North grunts in agreement, Silas and Luke give Sean a fist bump, and Kota, Nathan, and Gabriel all nod their heads in agreement. They may be cavemen, but I've quickly learned that they are my cavemen.

Soon Sean brings over his laptop and he and I actually do start to fill out the paperwork we need for the hospital. The rest of the boys are busy exploring my space and moving things where Gabriel directs them. I have to stifle a laugh when he realizes that I don't have many things to decorate with. "Trouble, where is all of your stuff? You know posters and...and...and...girly stuff?" Girly stuff? "All you have to hang up are your diplomas!"

I raise an eyebrow in question at him. "And what's wrong with my diplomas?"

"Nothing, for you know, near your desk. But where is your stuff?"

"I didn't move with much. I have a few things being shipped down from Illinois, but nothing to hang on the walls."

Gabriel just stares at me like I've grown two heads. "Oy! We have to fucking fix that. It's too boring in here! Before this boot camp ends we'll have your place all nice and set up."

I silently thank Victor for just telling me to roll with the punches when it comes to Gabriel. "Sure, Gabe."

As Gabriel continues to tinker with the placement of my furniture there is a knock at the door. When I answer it a tall man with brown hair brushed to the side is standing behind the door holding an envelope from a courier. "There was a delivery guy outside when I was entering. I signed for this and said I would drop it off."


A/N: This is a tough one. You've got, Marc, Blake, Kayli, and Mr. B left...

Also, I personallylove Raven, but I don't get the impression that Sang would. Even with writingher with more of a backbone, I don't see her as the type to go for Raven so Iwanted to show her discomfort. 

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