Chapter 8 - Dr. Nathan Griffin

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The man sitting next to me was huge. I mean HUGE. Those muscles had my hands itching to just reach out and give them a good squeeze. His copper hair, bright blue eye, and genuine smile had me aching to find out more.

"Strawberries have a wealth of antioxidants and have been linked to increased fertility," I rattle off without thinking. Oh shit. Why the hell did I say that last part? God, could this day get more embarrassing?

Thankfully he just gives me an amused smirk and lets it go. "Well, I can see you've done your research. I'm Nathan Griffin." He reaches out and extends his hand. When I place mine in his I notice the feel of them; roughened with callouses. He works with his hands.

"Sang Sorenson." I nod at his almost empty drink. "Have you been waiting long?"

"Ah, not too long. I just moved here from Florida and I stopped in for some lunch before I have to unload my stuff at my new home."

"Oh, I just moved here as well. I was in Illinois before this, but I accepted a teaching position here."

"You teach? Me too. Well, I do as of tomorrow that is. I'm working at a school called The Academy. I'll be teaching physical education and the nutrition classes." Does everyone work there? Although I cannot complain that I will get to look at Dr. Muscles every day.

"I swear everyone I've run into today is working there. I should probably re-introduce myself. Dr. Sang Sorenson. I'm teaching Human Biology and Epidemiology and working at the hospital."

"Wow, that's weird. Just how many people have you run into that teach there?" Before I can answer he continues, "Well, then let me re-introduce myself. Dr. Nathan Griffin, PhDs in Kinesiology and Nutritional Science. I'm also working as the local college football team's strength and conditioning coach."

"Good to meet you again, Nathan. Would you like to join my friends and me? We're all teaching at the Academy this year." Nathan agrees and introductions are made. I notice that Kota and Nathan get along instantly. They are in their own world talking science and the chemistry behind nutrition and food. Well, the two of them are going to be fast friends.

Another few minutes pass and the hostess walks over to seat us. "Our apologies for the wait Mr. Morgan, it is a very busy season for us." Victor is trying to hold in the eye roll as the hostess fawns over him, the rest of us are just trying not to laugh while she is standing there. As soon as we are seated and the hostess walks away, Gabriel breaks the silence.

"Oy! If she could have crawled into your skin, she would have Vic! That shit is hilarious. I need to hang out with you more."

Sean, in an obvious move to save Victor more embarrassment, changes the subject to the boot camp we all have to report to tomorrow. Nathan is talking animatedly about the activities that he hopes to see at this camp. From 20 mile hikes (20 miles? Holy shit, I am in over my head) to zip lines (Now that sounds like more fun), to some extreme obstacle course that sounds like something you would have to go through during the zombie apocalypse. Ugh, I am so out of shape that thinking about this makes my muscles hurt.

"So Nathan and Victor, do you know what rooms you've been assigned?"

Nathan lets us know that he's in room 309 and Kota is practically beaming to have his new best friend next to him. They start talking about hobbits and zombies and my eyes begin to glaze over. Victor is across the hall from me in room 304. I smile shyly at the thought of having them all so close by.

As Gabriel starts in with Nathan on how his clothes don't fit, I turn my attention back to Victor.

"Victor, why did you buy all of those clothes?"

He turns to face me and looks straight into my eyes. "Because I can, princess."

I raise my eyebrow at him and silently convey that I don't buy his reasoning for a second. He sighs and shakes his head in exasperation.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?" I shake my head at him and he continues. "I bought them because I had more fun and experienced more genuine friendship in that short shopping trip than I've had in all my years on this earth." I try to blink away the tears that keep threatening to fall. Who has caused you this pain? And who wouldn't want to show you friendship?

Victor speaks again before I can, "Don't princess. Don't be sorry for me. Don't cry for me. I feel like today is just the beginning of something good. A new path for me, you, all of us. Don't you feel it?"

I can only nod my head. I do feel it and I cannot wait to understand what this is. After we finish our meal, Victor speaks with Gabriel and then heads off for his sound check. The rest of us make our way to the faculty housing. Kota rides with Nathan, the two of them left bickering over which of us would be in what house at Hogwarts. As long as they didn't decide I should be in Slytherin. I was fine being sorted into any of the other three. 

Sean, Gabriel, and I spent the ride back singing Disney songs. The faces they made while singing "Let it Go" had me laughing so much I was crying. It wasn't even mid-afternoon and I've already had the best day of my life.

When we arrived back at the Academy we quickly unloaded Nathan's red Ford F-150 truck. With 5 of us helping the trips up and down the stairs were minimal. As we started to help him unpack...Ok, I'll be honest. We really just did as Gabriel directed. Apparently he was determined to go through all of our rooms and redecorate them. Nathan stared at us in bewilderment as Sean, Kota, and I chorused with "Sure, Gabe" whenever he wanted something moved.

We learned that Nathan was more than just a movie fan, it was his passion. Signed posters and movie paraphernalia dotted the walls of his living space. He had a particular affinity for kung fu movies and we learned that he had a black belt in jujitsu. As if he wasn't hot enough; let's add the ability to protect those he loves. I'll take swooning for 200, Alex.

Just as we are finishing up hanging the last movie poster, what sounds like a herd of elephants comes down the hall ending in a loud exclamation in a language I don't understand. "γαμώ!" (Fuck!)


A/N: It's time for theDaily Double. Which one of our Greek Speaking God's is it this time? i

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