Chapter 6 - Dr. Corey Henshaw & Dr. Brandon Henshaw

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A/N: Hah! The answer was both Corey and Brandon!


I couldn't believe my eyes. At first it was just the sight of an extremely tall and fit male wearing dark wash blue jeans and an Avengers t-shirt, but when he moved to enter Axel's room another one appeared. Doctor geeky hotness has a bad boy twin.

"Pookie, close your mouth. You're catching flies." I flush in embarrassment over Sean's observation. Thankfully when I look at him he holds an amused grin on his face. However, when I meet his eyes they are burning with jealousy. Jealous? He's jealous of how I was looking at the twins? Why? It's not as if he was serious about the application for the position of Mrs. Green, right? Oh heaven, now I'm confused.

I draw my gaze away from Sean. As I look around I notice that Gabriel and Kota also appear jealous. What in the world is going on? I'm just Sang.

Axel returns and introduces the holy hotness twins. Pointing to geeky hotness, "All this is Dr. Corey Henshaw. He will be teaching computer science and mathematics." Kota perks up at the mention of mathematics. Pointing to bad boy hotness, "And this is Dr. Brandon Henshaw. He will be teaching engineering and auto shop."

Gaberiel, Kota, Sean, and I all go over an introduce ourselves. When I reach Brandon I notice that his eyes are the same blue as Corey's but that they do not shine with the same enthusiasm and zeal for life that Corey has. These eyes show pain. Someone has hurt Brandon.

Settling back into the couches I notice that Sean and Kota have both managed to squeeze into the two person couch with me and both appear rather proud with themselves. Well, this is comfortable guys. Cavemen, the lot of them. Should I expect the clubs to come out soon? Going to protect me from the holy hotness twins?

I really should stop calling them that. But the name just seems to stick. Corey moves to sit near Kota and the two of them launch into a conversation about mathematics and its uses in actuarial science. I watch as Brandon moves to sit on a chair near Sean but doesn't say much. Sean tenses as Brandon sits and I wonder what is going on. Trying to diffuse the situation, I try to engage Brandon in safe topics of conversation. "So Brandon, do multiple births run in your family?" Sean looks at Brandon with what I have deemed the "doctor lives for medical information look" and I know I've got him hooked into the conversation.

Brandon pauses before answering. "Yeah. My father and uncle were twins as well." While he gives me the answer I was expecting, I can sense that it was a touchy subject. Ok, so no more questions about the family then.

Thankfully Sean saves me, "So, which one of you has the dubious honor of being the elder brother?"

Before Brandon can open his mouth Corey is responding. "Isn't it obvious? The one with the stick up his ass is the elder brother." Sean cannot contain his snort and then poorly tries to cover the smile threatening his face.

"Well little brother, not all of us can goof off for a living." Brandon shoots back to Corey with a raised eyebrow.

"Goof off? My oh my, is my elder brother still upset that I beat your graduate entrance exam score and didn't study? I thought you would have accepted your second place status when I won the 100 meter dash at field day." The devilish grin on Corey's face just made the temperature in the room spike. Is it hot in here?

"Oh please, that was kindergarten and you cheated!"

"Using math to anticipate when Mrs. Schrodinger would yell go isn't cheating! I merely outwitted your dumb ass!"

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