Chapter 7 - Dr. Victor Morgan

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Turning around I find myself awe struck by the eyes in front of me. The phrase "fire in his eyes" never really meant anything to me until now. But looking at him I can see the flames in his eyes and they are currently set to inferno. Wowzers.

Remembering that he's actually opened a conversation, I rush to respond before the silence reaches super awkward status. "Well, it's a good thing that I have no occasion to wear this dress then."

"Well, what are you doing tonight?" Did he just ask me out?

"Ah, I've got to finish getting ready. The first day of training for my new job starts tomorrow morning."

He reached in his back pocket for his wallet and pulled out a business card and what looked like a tiny wallet sized pen. Now that's cool. "Well, if you end up with some free time, call me. I'm having my last concert for a while as I'm starting training for a new position tomorrow myself."

Taking the card from his outstretched hand I first notice the quality of the linen paper. Why are you so surprised, Sang? Have you seen the expensive black slacks and the Armani logo on his white shirt?

Dr. Victor Morgan

Concert Pianist

Dr. fire eyes hotness is the Victor Morgan? "You're that Victor Morgan? You played in Chicago last year; I was enchanted with your rendition of Winter by Vivaldi. It was so haunting. The emotion you put behind it took my breath away."

His cheeks blush and his eyes dull to flickering embers. Oh no, what have I said to cause that?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. You probably hate it when people recognize you."

He looks right into my eyes and I'm caught by the sadness beneath the flames. What is causing you pain? "No, it's fine. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Besides after tonight I get a well-deserved break." His eyes light up and a smile graces his gorgeous face. Now that's a much better look on you, fire eyes.

"Yes, your new position. Where are you moving on to?"

"Teaching. I'm going to teach computer science and musical theory at a private school in the area."

"The Academy?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I'm teaching there too." I reach out my hand to shake his. "Dr. Sang Sorenson. Actually I should introduce you to the guys on the other side of the store. We're all teaching there this year."

As if on cue, Sean comes out of the dressing room wearing a bright orange dress shirt. "Gabe! How can you make fun of my purple plaid socks and put me in something that is prison orange!" Victor nor I can hold in our laughter at Sean's absolutely ridiculous look.

"Oy! Sorry, Doc! That shirt was for me. And it's not fucking prison orange!"

"Oh, thank heaven. For a second there I thought you had gone mad, Gabe." Sean abruptly turns back towards the dressing rooms and I lead Victor over towards the men's department and Gabriel. To my shock, they already know each other.

"Victor! How the hell are you? And why the fuck are you shopping without me?" They shop together?

"Sorry, Gabe. I was actually just out to pick up that tux you had ordered for me. My last concert is tonight." Gabe looks pleased that Victor was not out shopping without him. My curiosity can't wait another minute and I just have to ask.

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