Chapter 5 - Dr. Gabriel Coleman

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Sean and I can barely stop laughing long enough to see who has entered his room. I'm not sure if it is the embarrassment of being caught singing poorly to Lady Gaga or just the fact that someone felt the need to let us know we were butchering a song by yelling down the hallway. When I finally gain my composure I see a thin but rather fit man in front of me. His dark skinny jeans are paired with a bright orange and green top, orange sneakers, and he has orange studs in each ear. His style is extremely fashion forward, but it suits him. The three black hoop earrings at the top of his ear are the only items that seem out of place.

Finally remembering my manners I introduce myself and Sean. The stranger smiles at me, "Dr. Gabriel Coleman, Art and Art History. I also dabble in design and fashion." He eyes me from head to toe. "Sweetheart, you and I are going shopping the first chance we get." I look down at my worn shoes, brown pleated skirt, and pale blue blouse with a peter pan collar and wonder if I've chosen my wardrobe poorly. I guess I could use a few things for the school year and my time at the hospital.

As I'm floundering for what to say, Sean is enthusiastically agreeing. "Yes! I want play time with Pookie! We should go shopping after we meet with Axel."

"Pookie? What the fuck? Have you looked at her? She's going to be trouble. Aren't you, Trouble?" He looks over at me and I cannot resist the urge to mess with him a little so I pout my lip.

"Trouble! You put that lip back! That shit doesn't work on me!" Increasing my level of pout from rainbows and sunshine cute to adorable dog with sad eyes level of cute, Gabriel begins to crack. "Oh Fuck! Seriously just stop. Don't do that to me! Please put the fucking lip away, you can have whatever you want, just stop!"

I quickly pull in my lip and give him my widest grin, "Thanks Meanie!"

"I am not mean! Oy! What the fuck! I just got played! Trouble you are going to be the death of me." Sean is trying and failing to contain his laughter and I cannot help but join him. "If it makes you feel any better Meanie, we can go shopping but only for a few things."

"Fuck that! You need a whole new wardrobe. Don't you worry trouble, Dr. Gabe is here, we'll get you all settled. Now when in the hell are you done meeting this Axel fucker so that I can be ready to go."

I quickly check the time. "We're meeting Kota in 15 minutes and then going to Axel's room shortly after that. You're welcome to come it's just an informal meeting of some of the other staff that have arrived already."

"As long as we don't play one of those fucking games where we have to say our name and something about ourselves that begins with the same letter as our name, I'm in. Honestly, ice breaker games are a fucking horrible!"

Sean speaks up, "No kidding! The worst was medical school when we had to do that but our description had to be a medical term and you couldn't repeat anyone who went before you. By the time it got around to me I was left with solar plexus!"

I hadn't laughed this much in years. Since I had arrived in Charleston I have met some of the most wonderful people of my life. It's amazing how bright a future looks when you leave the past behind you. Sure I had a small sense of freedom in college, medical school, and my internship/residency, but I was so focused on becoming a doctor that I was a slave to school and then my job. Today is the first time where I have viewed my job as something other than a means of escape. It's the start of my life with people who just want to know who I am. Not Dr. Sang Sorenson, just Sang. The broken girl from Illinois with the green eyes. Maybe we can all heal together.

"Oy! So are we going to meet this Kota person or what?" Sean and I both smile at him and head out the door towards Kota's. Gabriel points out that his room is at the end of the hall. Kota left his door open so we just walk on in to find him unloading what appears to be his last box of books.

"Finally finished Kota?"

"Yes. I really should pare down the 217 books that I brought."

"Really 217? Did you fucking count them?" Gabriel pipes in.

Kota looks at me with a sheepish grin and mumbles, "Maybe."

"Seriously dude, we need to work on your priorities. And wardrobe. Oh, we are taking all you fuckers for new clothes. Doc, don't think I haven't noticed those god awful purple plaid socks!" He adds as an aside to Sean and I laugh again.

"Oy! Fuck. I'm sorry, Kota. I'm Gabriel Coleman, I teach art and art history." Kota returns his handshake, but then goes back to glancing at his clothes. I feel you there, Kota. The struggle to impress Gabriel is real.

We chat for a few more minutes and make our way down towards Axel's room. A quick glance down the hallway shows that there are a few less doors on this floor than ours. Knocking on the door of Axel's room the door opens to reveal a larger great room than the ones upstairs. It's not significantly bigger, but enough that there is enough room for two small couches instead of the one we have upstairs. I wonder if all the rooms on this floor are like this.

After Gabriel introduces himself to Axel I watch as he looks around the room with a calculating eye. You can practically see the wheels turning as he looks at the artwork on the wall. Looking over at Axel he points to a comic strip hanging on the wall, "Roy Boney Jr.?"* He asks with a raised eyebrow. Axel's mouth opens then closes then repeats this motion a few times. Did he suddenly turn into a fish?

"You know Native American artists?"

"Did you miss the part of the introduction where I said I was the art history teacher?"

"Yes. No. I mean. Huh. Not many people could pick out a comic book artist just by one page and even less likely if they are Native American. I'm impressed." Gabriel grins back at Axel and you can just see that he relishes the compliment. Low self-esteem. Requires positive reinforcements. I'll need to help boost him up. My brain goes into planning mode and the shopping trip planned after this meet and greet has just become more important. But why? Why do I find myself wanting to get to know these guys? Why do I want them to trust me with their secrets? And why do I want to trust them with mine?

I wonder around the room for a little while looking at more of the art work on the walls. Axel has eclectic taste and Gabriel is happy to talk about all of the pieces. Most are local artists, but they continue to talk about other artists they have in common. Kota, Sean and I find seats on the couch and chat about our upcoming boot camp. A few more minutes go by and Gabriel and Axel join us on the couches we end up asking Axel more questions about boot camp and the students. I'm thrilled to hear that they are engaged in the classes and Gabriel practically beams when Axel says that the art courses are some of the most popular. "Fuck yeah they are! Art is fucking awesome! Just like me."

A knock on the door has us turning back towards the entrance. Where an incredibly tall and extremely handsome blonde male stands with bright blue eyes stand casually in the doorway. Well hello stranger.


A/N: Guesses?

*Roy Boney, Jr. is a realperson. His comic book work is pretty fun.

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