Chapter 11 - Dr. Blake Coaltar

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The man standing at the door had an air of wealth about him. Much like Victor, you could tell his clothes were designer and he held a confidence about him that only someone who grew up with money could have. It wasn't pompous, rather just a part of who he was.

Not wanting to seem rude, I motioned for him to come in and introduced myself and the guys.

As he came into the room the lighting changed and I realized that what I thought was light brown hair was really dirty blonde. He shook my hand before making his way over towards the couches. "Dr. Blake Coaltar. I'm teaching business and economics."

I noticed that Kota looked intensely at Blake for a moment before recognition crossed his face. "Are you the patron behind the Coaltar grant at the college?"

"Guilty as charged. I would have rather done that anonymously, but the dean said more matching donations would come in with a name attached."

"Well, I can thank you for funding my latest research into a new cancer drug." Sean and I share a look at this statement, and he speaks up for the both of us.

"Kota, if you need someone to look over your data or bounce ideas off of, Sang and I would be more than happy to help." I vigorously nod my head in agreement. Seeing Kota's brain at work? Yes, please!

Blake also offers his services. I don't have the degrees that you do, but I've done quite a bit of work in my private lab. You're welcome to use any of the equipment there at any time free of charge. He and Kota discuss the equipment he has in his lab and you can just see the kid in a candy store gleam in Kota's eyes. Dr. Einstein is getting along with his new friend Dr. Monopoly.

Gabriel catches my eye and points to the envelope in my hands that I have yet to open. Strangely enough there is no return address or any other indication of who the sender is. Just that it was paid for a local courier office. Once opened there is a plain white envelope inside and a small folded note. They say curiosity killed the cat, here's hoping I have better luck.


I called Dr. Roberts and he let me know how many teachers would be here by this evening. You'll find tickets for all of you to my concert tonight. No one is required to attend; I just didn't want to leave anyone out.

I do hope that you will make it; I have a surprise for you.

Wishing you were here to make sound check more enjoyable,


PS Now you have somewhere to wear the pewter dress.

I want to shake my head in exasperation over his comment about the dress, but I am secretly loving that I get to wear the dress out. After opening the envelope with the tickets, I notice that there are 15 tickets. That means I have two people left to meet.

"Trouble, what's in the envelope?" Gabriel and Luke are both looking at me as if the envelope I am holding the key to Christmas morning in my hands.

"Victor sent over tickets for everyone to see his concert tonight. It starts at 7."

"Oy! It's nearly 4! We need to hurry. Trouble, you go get in the shower. In fact, all of you fuckers go get in the shower, leave your doors unlocked and I'll lay out your clothes." He then turns and points to Blake. "You, go tell those crazy floor mates of yours that if they want to join us they need to get ready. I'll swing down in 30 minutes if anyone wants help with an outfit."

Blake looks utterly confused when the rest of us just chorus, "Sure, Gabe."

"I guess this is where I'm supposed to say, "Sure, Gabe" and go do as I'm told, correct?" We laugh and nod our heads.

"Fuck yeah, you are! I'm awesome and these fuckers have learned to just accept the fact that I'm amazing and go with it."

Luke rolls his eyes and says, "Or we've learned that it's just not worth the headache of arguing with you."

We start to disburse when Blake stops us. "If we can be ready by 4:50 I can make us reservations for dinner tonight."

"Shouldn't we wait to go out to dinner until after so Victor can join?" He shouldn't be left out. He did all of this because he wants friends. Friends wait to eat until after, right?

"Aggele, you're too nice. Yes, we will wait for your friend Victor." Oh my dear sweet Jolly Green Giant, he can be your friend too.

Next thing I know the guys are being rushed out of my room by Gabriel with strict instructions to get cleaned up. Before he leaves to follow them he comes to speak with me. "Trouble, I'll do your hair and make-up tonight. Just get a shower and set out your dress and shoes. You know he got those tickets so that you had to wear that dress." I can feel the blush creep over my face. I know he did.

"You're too damn cute for your own good, Trouble. Now scoot! I need at least an hour to get you ready." I mock salute Gabe and head off towards the bathroom.

The water pressure is surprisingly good for a multistory building and the hot water is soothing on my muscles. After showering I put on a nice bra and panty set, some jeans, and a button up blouse and wait for Gabriel. 30 minutes go by before Sean is suddenly entering my room. "Pookie, Gabe wants you to go ahead and get your dress on. He's running late. According to him, and I quote "The fuckers downstairs have zero clothes and there isn't enough motherfucking time to fix it." End quote." Sean's impression of Dr. Curse-A-Lot is very entertaining and I let out a giggle and Sean groans in response. "Pookie," he whines, "You're killing me with those giggles. You start giggling, then I start giggling, then everyone giggles and it's mass hysteria!" He says while throwing his arms around in exasperation.

I couldn't help it, I giggled more. Sean tries to school his features into a serious expression but the smile keeps creeping until he can't hold his laughter in any more. We look like a bunch of hyenas standing in my entry way laughing. After a few minutes we calm down, both of us sporting small smiles whenever we look at each other.

Slowly all of the 3rd floor guys make their way back to my room. Gabriel has put each of them in a black 3 piece suit, each with a different color tie. They look stunning. When Gabriel finally enters he is also wearing a black suit, but in addition to his tie in bright orange his vest is as well. Only you could wear that much orange and look that dashing in it. Truthfully, they were all quite a sight to see.

In time, Blake, Brandon, Axel, Corey, and Raven all make their way up. They mentioned that the other two occupants on their floor had arrived and would be joining us shortly. Blake is talking to Gabriel about the need for a shopping trip. Why would Blake need to go shopping? He was dressed well when he arrived.

It is just after 6PM when the final two guests for the night arrive, and I nearly die from the shock. Holy lord in heaven, someone else who predominate hormone is estrogen. She's accompanied by a man who about a head taller than her with soft brown hair. It's official, this school only hires good looking people.

The girl looks around at everyone and says, "So, I thought some hot shot was paying for us to go out? Why are we standing here?" Ugh, really?


A/N: Ok, so the guessing game for the next chapter should be pretty easy.

FYI - TA: Introductionsis quickly coming to a close, but I'll be starting up the boot camp sequelright after I finish this.}ಓx

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