Chapter 12 - Dr. Marc Weiland & Dr. Kayli Winchester

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I couldn't believe what she just said. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one who was flabbergasted by her audacity. The man with the light brown hair next to her elbows her in the side and give a stern warning. "Haughty much? They didn't have to invite you."

"I know. I just want to get going. It was a poor excuse for a joke."

"Well, don't you think we should introduce ourselves before we head off?" She nods at him. "I'm Dr. Marc Weiland. I'm teaching English and World History."

"Dr. Kayli Winchester, I'm also teaching English as well as running the Drama department."

Sean who's standing next to me leans in the mumble, "Shocker." His tone is dripping with sarcasm. Kota ever the diplomat moves to introduce those of us that live on the 3rd floor and we wave with polite enthusiasm at the pair. I still can't quite figure them out. Dr. Drama Queen is looking at all of us as if we are the enemy. Doesn't trust easily, always on guard...She's been hurt before. Phil said we were all broken, I wonder what broke her.

Taking a closer look at Marc I notice that he has two different colored eyes, one blue and one green. Sean will probably take advantage of his hertrocrhomia for his genetics class. His eyes also hold a past in them. Not a sad as Brandon's or as rough as Kayli's but something below the surface is showing pain and suffering. Blake brings me out of my musings by instructing us to head downstairs. He's arranged for transportation to drive all of us to the concert and dinner after.

Grabbing my purse off the counter I wait for everyone else to exit. Nathan, Silas, and North have themselves posted outside of my door waiting for me to lock up. The way they are lined up with their arms crossed over their chests and their faces set to scowling has me laughing. "Here to protect me from the hallway ghost?"

North grunts, Nathan shakes his head, but Silas is the one who responds. "If you need someone to keep you safe from the ghosts at night Aggele, I'm more than happy to offer my services." The devilish grin accompanying his statement has me in stitches. When I recover I gesture for them to move towards the hallways and we make our way out front.

Blake's transportation turns out to be a large passenger bus. Something that you see people rent to transport guests to and from wedding venues. It's my first time on one and I have to admit that I'm quite excited. Since we're the last people to board the rest of the group has chosen seats. Someone we've ended up divided by floor. Those on the second floor are sitting toward the back and we are towards the front. I'm pushed into the second row near the window. Conveintly surrounded by all of my 3rd floor guys. And this also explains the guards outside of my door. Oh lord they are so territorial.

Conversation to the concert hall is pretty light; Luke and Marc get into a deep discussion about food and beverages. They even start debating the best type of coffee bean. I have to laugh when Marc finds out that Luke's idea of a good coffee bean is one covered in chocolate and eaten like candy. Marc then spends the rest of the trip there trying to explain the ins and outs of home coffee bean roasting. Note to self: Go visit Dr. Starbucks every morning.

Even the outside of the concert hall building is opulent. Victor is playing with the local symphony orchestra for a few of his selections and the rich and famous are out in full force for the spectacle. No wonder he seems so sad. Everyone here just wants to be seen.

Gabriel is soaking up the red carpet like he was born to walk it, Blake looks comfortably disinterested, while the rest of us are just trying to get through as quickly as possible. When we make it to the lobby, Kota leans over to whisper "Dorothy I don't believe we're in Kanas anymore." Thankfully, I've actually seen the Wizard of Oz so I catch the reference. Television was never something I watched much of as a child, but I did make up for it a bit during college. Netflix was a life saver when studying got to be too much.

Soon enough the lights in the lobby flicker indicating that we should all take our seats for the performance. Victor has given us tickets in two boxes. As if by silent command, Nathan grabbed my hand and ushered us into the first box. Somehow the rest of the occupants all happened to be from the third floor as well. You all are ridiculous and dashing in your suits...Ok, so I don't mind looking at you while Victor plays beautiful music. The boys gave me the seat in the front closest to the stage.

After the orchestra tuned up, Victor came on stage. Before sitting down at the piano he looked up towards the boxes and sought out me. When our eye connected you could see the elation on his face. I couldn't make out the fire in his, but I would venture a guess that it was an inferno. He was set to play a selection of his greatest pieces; a few originals and some of the classics that he was known for. My seats when I saw him play in Chicago were in the back of the house, the sound traveled just fine, but you didn't get his facial expressions. Sitting as close as I am now, I see the concentration on his face, the glazed over look he gets when he lets go and lets the music lead him, and the underlying passion he has for it. The passion is never on the surface, but it burns right below and flickers to life when he lets it.

During the intermission Luke and Marc make their way to the refreshments all while debating if they will be up to their exacting standards. Raven, Kayli, and Silas are quickly on their heels; not for the quality of the food, rather they appear so famished they could eat anything.

When intermission is over we regain our seats in the boxes. The guys have shifted their positions so that everyone has had a turn sitting close to me. Well, at least they learned sharing in kindergarten.

Victor's solo pieces are just as haunting as I remember. I find myself getting lost in the music and closing my eyes; letting the melody take over. Before his encore Victor addresses the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming out tonight. As you are aware, I am taking an indefinite sabbatical from playing to pursue other dreams. In that spirit I am going to play two special selections with a good friend of mine who convinced me to take a chance on this new journey. Thank you again for coming out tonight."

He moves back to the piano and another gentleman joins him on stage. He's tall with dark brown hair and glasses similar to Kota's he's carrying a violin and walks with precision. My two favorite instruments. This is going to be good.


A/N: Well, I'm sure you know who is next. After that, there may be one epilogue A Report type chapter but then I'll move onto the boot camp sequel. You'll notice that we didn't meet Kevin, he will be in the sequel, but with how he's used it didn't make much sense to bring him in now.

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