Chapter 4 - Dr. Sean Green

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I laugh at the man with bright green eyes and curly blonde hair that comes just past mid ear. He's wearing nice jeans with a purple polo shirt. As he enters the room I cannot help but tease him a little. "And how would you know how to cure the giggles?"

"Pookie, you wound me! I happened to specialize in giggle curing during my residency!"

"Pookie? Really? Where in the world did you come up with that one?" Kota asks while trying to hold in his obvious amusement at the use of the nickname.

"What? It's cute. Like her." Sean gives me an over exaggerated wink with a panty dropping smile. Well, hello Dr. Green. I could get used to that smile. Meanwhile Kota just shakes his head in amusement.

"Well, I cannot say that I agree with your nickname choices, but I can at least start the introductions. I'm Dr. Dakota Lee, but you can call me Kota and this is Dr. Sang Sorenson.

Reaching out his hand to us, "Dr. Sean Green, please call me Sean. What are you both teaching this year?"

Kota answers for the both of us and Sean lights up when he hears the subjects I'm teaching. "Oh, so you're the other physician Phil mentioned! It's so good to meet you. I'm teaching Anatomy and Physiology and genetics this year, but hopefully we can work in tandem so that our classes can work together. We'll probably have many of the same students."

"I would love that. I'd love to coordinate with you as well Kota for when you reach organic and biochemistry. I think the interdisciplinary approach will really be beneficial for our students."

"That would be wonderful Sang. We'll talk more during camp about our lesson plans." Kota gives me a big smile and then glances at his new Academy phone. "Oh heaven, time has really gotten away from me, I should really finish packing and getting ready for camp tomorrow. Sean, Sang and I are going down to Dr. Axel Toma's room in about an hour to meet a few more of the staff, you are welcome to join us."

"That would be great, thanks Kota. I'll let you get back to unpacking. It looks like you brought as many books as I did."

"Hopefully you got a room on one of the lower floors! I'm fairly fit, but after the 10th trip, I was curing my decision to shun e-readers." Sean laughs so much his head falls back and his hand moves to cover his mouth.

"God, I wish! It took me 12 trips! I'm at the end of the hall, room 300. I'll see you both in an hour or so."

"I should let you get back to unpacking as well, Kota. I'll meet you back here in an hour." Kota looks at me like he wants to ask me to stay but then decides against it. You could have just asked me to stay. Men, so stupid sometimes.

As I leave we leave Kota's room Sean strikes up a conversation, "So Pookie, are you going to be working at the hospital as well?"

"I'm never getting rid of that name now, am I?" I give him my best stern glare and he has the audacity to laugh at me.

"Not with that mock sever glare, you're not! Oh god, your reactions are fantastic!" I have to laugh at his antics, but decide to try and steer the conversation back to the topic at hand as we stop outside my door.

"Well, to answer your question, yes. I'm going there during our lunch break tomorrow to drop off all the paperwork for my hospital privileges. You? What do you specialize in?"

"I'll be working there as well. If you don't mind, I'd love to go with you to drop off the paperwork, I need to turn mine in as well. And I'm an internist. I didn't want to specialize too much and I like being in charge of so many different types of patients."

"I'd love to have the company and I'm an internist as well, so we'll have lots to talk about." I gesture to my door, "Would you like to come in for a while?"

He looks at me regretfully, "I wish I could, but I have about as many books to unpack as Kota does. Are you finished unpacking? Would you like to keep me company?"

"Sure. I'm done unpacking until the rest of my belongings arrive sometime this week. I had to ship them here." Sean gestures down the hall and we quickly arrive at his door. He unlocks it and I'm again blown away by the rooms. Sean's has a similar layout to mine and Kota's but because he's on an end he has an extra wall of windows that I'm instantly jealous of. But what really catches my eye is just how neat everything is. Even the boxes of books are labeled by subject and the subjects are in alphabetical order. The room smells like cleaning supplies with an underlying scent of ginger and citrus which I recognized as his cologne.

"Do you always keep your home as sterile as a hospital?" Sean gives off an embarrassed chuckle as his hand goes to ruffle the hair at the back of his neck.

"I may like the cleanliness of a hospital a bit too much."

"Well, I'll give you this, I'm sure your girlfriend has never had a reason to complain about your cleaning habits!"

Sean gives me a sinfully playful smirk, "ah, but Pookie, there isn't a future Mrs. Green in the picture right now. Unless you want to apply for the position? I am currently taking applications." Maybe. But there's Kota as well. And Axel. Seriously? Is everyone good looking here?

Instead of answering Sean, I just give him a coy smile and change the subject. No reason to give anything away just yet. Play this cool, Sang. We'll as cool as someone who's had one boyfriend in their entire life can play anything.

"Are you from the Charleston area?" Sean looks at me and his face shows that he's aware I dodged his question but thankfully he doesn't call me out on it.

"Yeah, I've grown up here. I've spent a lot of time in Japan though with my parents and extended family, so I didn't inherit the thick southern accent."

Looking over Sean I'm trying to rectify his appearance with the Japanese family. "Ah Pookie, I can see the question in your eyes. I'm adopted and my parents insisted that we spent equal time in the US and in Japan so we moved every year. I'm sure my schooling would have suffered if I didn't have a tiger mom who pushed me to finish everything online at an early age. I've been back in Charleston for a few years now while I've finished medical school and my residency. What about you?"

"I've been in Charleston for about," I pull out my phone, "4 hours or so. So far, I've loved it. Before that I was in Illinois just outside of Chicago."

"I've always wanted to go to Chicago. It looks like an amazing city."

"It is, but I'm afraid that you'll have to visit there without me. I finally got out of Illinois and I have no intention of going back anytime soon." Sean looks at me with a raised eyebrow and sighs when I show no signs of continuing.

"I'm just going to assume that there is a story there and that you'll tell me when you're ready." I give him a warm smile and move to help unload another box of books. Seriously, what is with the e-reader hate?

A half hour later and we've unloaded 12 boxes of books while singing our way through Sean's excessively eclectic collection of music. Honestly who has Rise Against and the Spice Girls on the same playlist? I have to admit to laughing through the entire collection enjoying his flirty smile and easy going demeanor. We've just started in on Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" when a shout from the hallway has us laughing hysterically, "Oy! Who the fuck is destroying Gaga!"


A/N: Guess who's coming to dinner?

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