~A Report~

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To: The Academy Board

From: Dr. Phillip Roberts

RE: New Adult Recruits

All new adult recruits have arrived and are settled in to their housing. The two returning recruits have been placed with those of similar upbringing in order to promote blending with a family.

The occupants of the 3rd floor are already showing Anderson team like tendencies and will need to be monitored. Those on the 2nd floor are moving at a much slower pace with each other. Encouragement to trust each other will need to be reinforced.

Boot camp will have rotating sleeping arrangements to encourage all occupants to get to know each other. Per our policy, female staff will be given the option to decline if they feel uncomfortable.

First day activities will be light and then staff will report to their secondary jobs for orientation and training. Boot camp will officially commence on Monday.

Further reports will be given weekly unless major developments occur.

~End Report~


A/N: Well, that's it for TA: Introductions. I'm moving onto boot camp, but may not be able to keep up my break-neck update pace like I have with this.

Finally, thank youall for reading this and your amazing comments and encouragement. It has meantmore to me than I will ever be able to adequately express. See you on the flipside!     

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