Chapter 3 - Dr. Axel Toma

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I sit and watch as the man enters Kota's space and shakes his hand. "I'm Dr. Axel Toma, please just call me Axel. You must be Kota and Sang. Phil called and asked me to make sure that you two were settling in ok."

"We're both settling in fine. Sang has already finished unpacking. I'm still trying to find a place for all of these books." Kota gestures to the pile of boxes that have yet to be unpacked as Axel lets out a laugh.

Axel was tall, really tall. He wore long black cargo pants with black boots and a plain grey t-shit. Well, that explains the wardrobe requirements I was sent. At least we'll all be in the same drab colors. He had his long black hair tied back and I couldn't help but notice his long eye lashes. Why do men always get natural full and long eye lashes? I spend a small fortune on mascara only to have mine look half as good as his. So unfair.

I get up from my seat on the couch and walk over to shake Axel's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Axel. Phil mentioned on the ride over that you work at the Aquarium as well."

"Yes, I'm a marine biologist. I've been told that Dr. Korba will be working there as well. With our proximity to the ocean, we've seen increased interest from the students in marine biology so we are expanding our offerings. What are you both focusing on?"

Kota jumps in to respond, "I am teaching both chemistry and mathematics this year. Although, I've been asked to help develop special courses in using math and chemistry in practical applications."

"Ah, I'm not really surprised to hear that, we like to keep the students grounded in reality here. You'll find that you are encouraged to use real world applications whenever possible. Theory is fine and necessary for basic understanding, but the best teaching moments are always when you can relate the concept to a real life situation." Kota and I both nod at Axel. I'm going to have to ask him more about his teaching methods. I just have so much to learn.

"And what will you teach, Sang?"

"I'm here for human biology and epidemiology. I will also be working at the hospital."

"Ah, so you're one of the new docs!" There's more than one of us?

"Yes, I didn't realize there was another physician on staff."

"You'll notice that we like to double up on teachers with our subjects. It helps encourage our team atmosphere and you'll always have a back-up should you be called away for a real world problem." He points to me, "you are a medical professional after all, real world problems happen." I giggle at his raised eyebrow and fake stern look.

"Fair enough. It will be nice to have someone else to bounce ideas off of."

Kota steps in, "Absolutely. I had hoped that I wasn't the only math and chemistry teacher here. I'm used to teaching at the college level, so having someone else to help with reaching a younger audience will be so beneficial."

"You will both be fine. Most of the teachers are new this year. Only myself and Dr. Blackbourne are returning faculty." I wince at this statement. Why would everyone want to leave after only a year? Hell, with the set up here, why would anyone leave ever?

"Ah, I see that look in both of your eyes. Don't worry. It's normal for the Academy to have a high turnover of staff. We encourage our staff to form teams with other faculty members and then to work for The Academy in other areas. Dr. Blackbourne and I didn't find teams that we clicked with last year. We both decided to stay on and hope to find our teams this year."

Thankfully, Kota asks the question I'm dying to know. "Why didn't you find a team? And if we find a team do we have to leave teaching?"

"It's a really long and....intimate process. The team you end up with should be a close to you as your family. But you choose this family. Don't worry about that right now, you'll find that the process is really organic over the course of the year. And you'll notice that the experience you are going through with finding your team are the same ones your students are going through. It's really rewarding to see them find the family they never had growing up." I would have killed to choose a family as a child.

I look over a Kota and can see his thoughts mimic my own. Is everyone here from a broken home? Is that why I was recruited for this position? Could I possibly leave this teaching position to join a team, a family?

"As for if you have to leave teaching after you find you team, no you don't have to. But most Academy members find that they enjoy the real world jobs they are given from the Academy and want to focus on those. Even if you decide not to teach though, you'll often be called back to give guest lectures or teach a specialized class if there is interest from the students. We really do try to tailor their education to them. Honesty, Phil is much better at explaining this than I am. He'll go over more at our first faculty dinner this evening. And you'll have plenty of time over boot camp to meet with each person. We're encouraged to spend time with each faculty member individually. Don't worry about it now, you'll see soon enough."

There are so many questions whirling through my head that I miss what Axel said next, but see him walking aback out the door of Kota's space. Thankfully Kota saves me, "I promised him that we would stop by his room in an hour or so. He mentioned that a few more of the new faculty should have arrived by then."

"Oh, good. I'm hoping that the other physician is among them. I'm just dying to brain storm about my classes."

"Me too! I cannot wait to see who else will be teaching similar courses. Hopefully they have different interests in the field then I do. I'd like to learn from them as well."

I let a full giggle release at that. "Oh Kota, you are one of those people who never really left school, aren't you?"

He gives me an embarrassed smile, his hand moves to the back of his neck, and I can see a light blush on his cheeks. "Well, what's wrong with that? I happen to be good at school." He says with mock severity.

I laugh again and go to reply when I someone pokes their head in the door, "Does someone require a cure for those giggles? I am a doctor after all."


A/N: If you can't guess whoyou'll meet next, I'll be shocked (and more than a bit disappointed).

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