新月- Chapter 01: In dreams, I dream. In nightmares I scream

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NOTE: To those people who were not able to check the revision of the Prologue which was changed to Chapter 00, I suggest that you check it right away before reading this. I apologize for the sudden disturbance. But I assure you, reading that first would make the next chapter understandable. The idea from the first one is still there, I just intensified the mood and change it to something better. 

After reading Chapter 00, you can now proceed to this Chapter, thank you very much. (:

To those people who have read this so far, thanks for the support. 


新月: In dreams, I dream. In nightmares, I scream

Miyaji Kiyoshi wiped the upcoming tear that showed a part of his weakness. He was the first one to arrive at the hospital since his parents were both on their work.

His little sister weren’t answering his calls and he thought she was fine. Miyaji Azami has always been strong and capable of her own. Her stubbornness was her own life force even if it drives others to worry for her.

But this is not what he was expecting since this was not supposed to happen.

He paced back and forth, anxiously waiting for a person clad in white to walk to him and tell him what’s going to happen to her sister.  She’s okay, even if the underlying feeling on his gut tells him that she’s not.

He felt the urge to know… since today’s case was heavier than the earlier ones, but he must admit that the earlier ones were better than this case.

A mocking laugh tugged at his mouth waiting to be released. He wanted to blame someone for the indifference, for the uncaring words and for the cold gesture that he had given to that person whose life was hanging on the edge right now.

With his eyes moving on different directions, he felt like the whole world was mocking him.

The chairs were laughing, the tiled floor was laughing and the walls were laughing. The people passing by were laughing.


Even the person who just arrived by the front desk may have been laughing at him secretly.

“I’m looking for Miyaji-san. Miyaji Azami,” a preteen with verdant hair and black rimmed glasses asked the nurse manning the front desk. He stood a good five to six inches away from Miyaji Kiyoshi but he can still see the seemingly wet patches on the preteen’s hair coming from the rain and judging by the verdant youth’s uneven breathing, it looked like he attacked the rain just to get there.

What entered Kiyoshi’s thoughts was the fact that the preteen was a guy and the latter was looking for his sister.

Did his sister have a boyfriend from those delinquent jerks that took her in?

His fists clenched as a reaction for the inexplicable anger that attacked his veins as he marched to the front desk, in time to catch the nurse from telling the preteen the location of his sister.

“You’re looking for Azami?” he asked, his tone laced by controlled anger. The nurse exchanged looks with the two before getting back to her post without saying another word.


Kiyoshi’s lips stretched to a small smile. “I’m her brother. Come with me.”

The preteen raised his eyebrow but he didn’t ask Kiyoshi, he simply followed Azami’s big brother to the bench adjacent to the emergency room. Kiyoshi sat down while the preteen remained standing, his eyes glued to the emergency room where she was hanging on.

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