盈虧: Chapter 08- The fairy who danced in the rain

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盈虧: Chapter 08- The fairy who danced in the rain

She started her greeting by bowing low politely. “It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Miyaji Azami. I came here to take some make ups and I hope that we could all be great friends!”

She burst out with a flowery background while the people before her all gaped in surprise.

“Uh… some of you might know Miyaji-san. She’s pretty new here so would anyone please assist her?”

She kept her smile but actually felt anxiety eating at her stomach. Everyone stared at her with tension as if she would eat them alive. Her brother told her to expect something like this and she really thought that she was ready. It looked like she really did something worst.

Amidst the scared looks exchanged by the students, a hand was raised from the very back of the classroom. It belonged to a male with dark blue bonnet, which shrouded his chocolate brown hair. He wore a warm and friendly smile.

“Ah, there you go, Miyaji-san. Please sit beside him.”


She strode swiftly to the sit beside him while ignoring the frightened scares from the people around her. She even accidentally bumped a seat, moving it a little.

The student sitting there quickly backed away. “I’m so sorry, M-Miyaji-san. I won’t do it again…”

“What are you saying?” she asked turning to the poor student.

The student trembled, “I-I-I’m really sorry!”

She patted the student’s shoulder with a gentle smile. “Oh geez, it’s my fault. Don’t apologize to me.” She bowed low and walked ahead leaving the student dumbstruck.

She arrived at her seat and settled down. “Um… you are?” she asked the person who raised his hand for help.

“Me…?” He raised his bonnet a little and smiled again. “Kurosawa Yuuji. You could call me what you want.”

“Then Kurosawa-kun is fine,” Azami placed some loose copper streaks to the back of her ear. “Or Kuro-kun?”

“Anything’s fine already, besides you’ll be with me until the end of this summer class,” he rested his chin on his palm. “It’s better if we can be friends too.

“Alright, let’s be friends. Thank you,” she lent her hand for him to shake for a moment, he stared at it somehow looking stunned. “Kuro-kun?”

“Ah… right, let’s be friends, Miyaji-san.” He shook her hand gently and released it swiftly.

“…Hmm? You look somewhat familiar too, Kuro-kun. Is it my imagination?”

“Well, we met the other day, I presume. At the gates…”

“That was you!”

“Yeah and sorry about that, I didn’t mean it.”

She shook her head and smiled in a friendly way. “No it’s fine really.”

He simply nodded in return and turned front to listen to the teacher. Classes passed them by like a breeze fleeting softly to touch their skins. During breaks, no one would approach her but Kurosawa.

It was like everyone made up their minds on steering clear of her. She kept her smile even though deep inside she just wanted to head home. She already had enough for a day.

Sighing, she brought out her phone and stared at the current message sent to her. It was a simple message with good morning and a picture of the sun rise.

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now