新月- Chapter 03- Writhing Winds

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新月- Three- Writhing Winds

Life is better for someone who doesn’t remember anything; that’s what Azami Miyaji believed. So far, no strangers thought of visiting her today to force her to remember. It left her at ease and relaxed.

“Thank you for the food,” she mumbled, separating her wooden chopsticks and digging on the breakfast that the hospital brought for her.

“Are you really eating?’ Kiyoshi Miyaji asked, his golden gaze directed to his sister.

“Hmm… yeah,” she replied while swallowing hard then taking a deep breath.

“You still look as skinnier as before though.”


“…And still as unresponsive as ever.”

She picked a vienna sausage and popped it to her mouth. “Really…?”

“Yeah,” he leaned closer and raffled her hair.

“I’m eating, Nii-san.”

“Don’t mind me… I just… you know, can’t get used to this.”

She can detect the animosity in her brother’s voice prompting her to loosen her ability to take in her food. She can already feel it churn.

“I’m sorry,” she started, striving to take in the food stuck in her chopsticks. Her gaze trained down, her copper hair falling from her shoulders. “I’m really, really sorry, Nii-san.”

He raised his hand and surveyed her face. She raised her head and met his gaze apologetically, her lips drawn to a taut line.

Slowly, his lips drew a small smile. “Don’t worry about it already. Just finish what you’re eating.”

“I feel so horrible…”

“Yeah, yeah, but you should still consume everything in your plate.”

He picked the plate up and held her hand that she quickly drew away, annoyed.

“Ah! Don’t feed me!”

“But you won’t get any skin in you if you don’t eat!”



She grabbed the plate back and started eating quickly only to stop and gulp a drink after her food reached a wrong pipe.

He leaned back with a sigh, his shoulders relaxing. “That was careless.”

“Done…” she wheezed, punching her chest to breathe freely.

“Geez,” Kiyoshi caressed his little sister’s back forming comforting circles with his palm. The girl stared at him with eyes brimming with tears.

“What? Got nervous or something?”

“You’re spoiling me, Nii-san.”

“Why would I do that?” Kiyoshi asked, laughing at his sister’s joke and at the pouty face that she’s making.

“Nii-san, don’t laugh.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“No. Why should I?”

Azami avoided her brother’s quizzical gaze and settled it on the empty plate before her. Her cheeks were tinged with the color of blood.


“I’m a burden already, so please…”

Firm and big hands encased her small ones; it made her heart sink further to her stomach. She looked up to him in desperation to see what he actually felt but he only looked away, not letting her.

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now