盈虧: Chapter 06- Moonlit walk in the Fireflies' lane

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盈虧: Chapter 06- Moonlit walk in the Fireflies’ lane

The new kanji for this chapter and to the following chapters identifies the waxing of the moon—for the second phase of the story.

Midorima Shintaro had always been the stern and quiet tall young man with green streaks of hair and long eyelashes. He walked around Teiko with a straight back and with focused eyes on his way. He, all in all, carried the air of maturity and confidence around him. He also bore the rank of the fourth most intelligent person in the whole of Teiko’s student population.

He was approachable and he usually offered his help when needed. However, the receiver would always get his string of remarks expressing how displeased he was with their incompetencies or with their lack of efforts in working hard.

He was a prodigy when it comes to Basketball too, even though the sport itself was only his recreation from his studies. He could shoot with accuracy and his style was incomparable with anyone else. Even in his stern and upheld personality, no one else in the Basketball team hated him. In fact, he was probably getting along with every member of the newly born Generation of Miracles. Other than that, no one can rival his efforts with managing the club as the vice captain.

He was an embodiment of someone who followed the sole doctrine that once man does his best with everything, God will award him fully.

However, he cannot discern some of the world’s mysteries sometimes and this scene unfolding before him now disturbed his mind.

He was simply standing inside the usual antique store where he bought his lucky items when the copperhead teenager appeared. She stopped near the store’s post and stared right inside. He wasn’t sure if she was looking at him but it didn’t shake the feeling that she was right in front of him.

Did Akashi have a hand on this again?

As if answering his question, his phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.


        “Ah, Aniki…” she patted the male copperhead’s shoulder to get his attention. Kiyoshi quickly turned to her in recognition, his brow raised in a quizzical fashion.

        “Can I go visit the summer school that I’m going to attend tomorrow?” she clasped her hand together in case she needed to beg for it. However, he already had a look of approval on his face.

        “As long as I go with you it would be fine…”

        “Do you really have to? You have a practice at two, right?”

        “Don’t worry, I can walk you there and once I dropped you off I’ll go. You better wait for me to pick you up, okay?”


        “Let’s go then…”


        She headed to her room and got dressed. She made sure that she wasn’t wearing anything flashy but something comfortable to her skin.

She settled with a grey sweatshirt and a skirt and leggings combination. She used rubber shoes on her feet and kept her hair in a ponytail.

        When she went out, Kiyoshi gave her a run down and nodded in approval as if he just read what was in his sister’s mind.

        They walked outside and locked the gate behind them. Like usual, they both walked in silence at first. Then she would start by opening a conversation about the next basketball game that Kiyoshi’s school would play.

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