新月: Chapter 04- The Waves inside a Troubled Jar

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新月: Four: The Waves inside a Troubled Jar


“It’s your hospital release today?” Midorima asked while he glanced from left to right, hoping that this time the copper head won’t be able to see him again. He had to run away from the telephone booth that day just because she was staring at him.

Yeah… Where are you?” he heard a sigh and some shuffling likened to a curtain moved away to clear the sight outside. “You’re not by the usual phone booth today.”

“I cannot risk the circumstances of you seeing me,” he thought, moving away from his hiding place and walking along the crowd. In that way, she wouldn’t spot him. “Well, I wasn’t there.” He looked from side to side once again. “Congratulations on your release.”

]Laughter pierced through the other line. “Gee… thanks. It’s really refreshing to talk to you, Stranger-kun.”

“I’m no stranger. I am a friend of yours, Miyaji-san.”

Since when?

“Since I started talking to you through the phone.”

Oh yeah.” A sigh. “Amusing.”


I’m going to Shuutoku this year… for High School…”

He froze in place, unsure if he heard it right. “Did you say Shuutoku?”

See you there…”

“W-What made you sure—”

The call was ended before he can even complain, but even if he denied it, he’s going to Shuutoku this spring. He already agreed on the Coach’s proposal.



The copperhead teenage girl shuffled around the hospital room. She was dressed in a yellow summer dress that fluttered around with her movements. She was so energetic after what seemed like a month of hospital imprisonment.

“Azami, can’t you just settle down?” a copper head male teen mumbled. Azami’s constant movement across the room without doing anything else but strolling around irritated him.

“But Nii-san,” she replied without giving him a glance. “I can finally move my body around so I’m just making use of it.”

“You can do that once we walk home.” He sighed. “We’re just going to wait for Mother to finish filling out your papers.”

“Then just let me walk around.”

“No. Sit down.”

“I’ve been lying on my back for the whole duration of the month due to broken bones so don’t ask me to settle down. I want to move a lot, Nii-san.”

The pressure on the way she mumbled his name gives way to Miyaji Kiyoshi’s silence. He shifted his gaze away from his sister and with a pout, he concentrated on a hospital magazine.

Tap… tap… tap…tap…

Tick… tock… tick… tock… tick… tock

“Want to head out and grab something to eat?” Kiyoshi finally said as he spun up to his heels, stopping Azami from her tracks.

“Sure~!” she beamed and without another word, she stepped out of the room faster than he could ever make his first step.

Ah… so she just wanted to head out, Miyaji thought while scratching the back of his neck. She should’ve said so sooner… really this girl…

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now