盈虧: Chapter 07- The Day when the Rain finally pittered and pattered down

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盈虧: Chapter 07- The Day when the Rain finally pittered and pattered down

          The greenhead couldn’t think for a plan quickly that he simply hid in one of the shelves and pretended to look at something nearby. Through the spaces beneath the items, he watched Azami move around.

        “This shop is amusing…” Azami uttered. She picked up a small wooden bear carving. It had a fish in its mouth and its eyes looked fiercely back at her. She smiled at in response. “Well… what should I expect? It’s called an antique store for a reason. What do you shop for here?”

        “Lucky items which was required by Oha…” he looked from side to side for another hiding place since she was about to close in his direction again. “It’s something required for me to acquire every day. To be able to find these things, I confide to this store since they have most of the rare items that I need.”

        “For a project?”


        “Then for what?”

        “It is something that can bring me luck every single day. It also helps me get on through everyday’s possible misfortune.”

        “Hmm… that sounds familiar.”

        “How is that po—”

        He quickly grabbed the nearby demon mask sitting in one of the shelves and wore it over his face. The copperhead was already in front of him so he had to hide his phone a bit with the mask. What should I do in this kind of situation? If she recognizes me… I…


        Azami stared at the tall man in front of her. She stopped and put her phone down a bit in surprise. He stood there stiffly with a yokai’s mask covering his face. The mask was large enough to make his face properly hidden. She couldn’t see even his ears.

        “Uh… are you this shop’s mascot?”

        “Y-Yes… so am I…”

        “Amazing! So this shop even had a mascot… maybe that’s one of the reasons why he comes here… he might have been a fan of anime too…”

        “I’m not!”

        She raised her head to face the masked man again quizzically and in suspicion. The man stepped back slowly in reproach. It made him more suspicious of the man’s actions. Then, without further ado, she reached out to him. The man stiffened in place as if she would do something that could mean the end for him.

        Why are you so jumpy? She patted his left shoulder and grinned. “What? Am I scaring you? I should be the one scared you know?”

        The man simply shook his head silently and steadied his mask. She squeezed his shoulder gently and released him.

        “Hmm… if you see him tell him that all of the things that he liked are cool and amusing, okay?”

        “I will…”

        “Thanks, mas—ah, no, Yokai-kun.”

        Her phone buzzed in her hold. She turned the call off first and answered the next call. She was greeted by her brother’s angry sentiments. She all answered them with apologies and ended them by telling him to wait by the bus station.

        “Well… it seems like I need to go. Nice meeting you~”

        “Please do take care…”

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