盈虧: Chapter 11- Dewdrops on a Hot Summer Day

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盈虧: Chapter 11- Dewdrops on a Hot Summer Day

The silence of the room shattered after a body flew inside. It crashed through the wooden crates arrayed around which rattled noisily. Dust flew up and danced its slow dance against the darkness. The body’s owner moved groggily, his eyes losing focus and his breath came in ragged stops.

“It would be easier if you just tell me…” heavy and slow footfalls echoed on the other side of the room. A flashlight flickered open in the darkness, casting shadows on the dusted floor. The injured man felt more terrified than last time.

“I—I don’t know anything!” he yelled, his desperate call rang along the halls and echoed through the room.

“Please…” the footfalls went on, getting louder and louder like a slow and steady heartbeat. The rising tension wrapped itself towards the air with the flashlight’s looming shadows dancing on the walls. “Stop lying to me.”

“I swear! I don’t know! You already beat me up! Isn’t that satisfying already?”

The footfalls halted a meter away from the injured snake, the flashlight shadowed over a face. The eyes were blank of any emotion other than the desire to kill and break something.

“Satisfying? I don’t know such word.” The holder of the flashlight continued his journey to the injured male and stepped firmly on his groin. The latter yelped like an agonized animal which cannot escape from the hands of his predator. “You guys took something important from me.”

Another step made the already beat up male to reach with his hands blindly to at least hit back. However, the predator that didn’t even get a single hit from him brought him back down; a solid punch broke his already broken nose. He fell on the ground, crying in pain he’d never felt before.

The predator breathed out in impatience. “Still nothing?”

The prey fell to the ground in laughter, his broken body shook desperately as blood fell on the floor. “Ah… shouldn’t you be thankful she still got out alive?”

His chest heaved for air, his arms pressed itself on the cold ground to have at least balance himself. He smiled revealing two rows of bloodied teeth with three pieces knocked out from above and two from below. “Despite the brusque attitude and that washboard flatness, she’s actually beautiful… I could have touched her.”

“Of all the things you could say to get your sorry ass alive, you chose that?” the predator’s tone brought out a warning to the prey—once he said something unnecessary once again—he would not get out of the room completely alive.

“This is your last chance, do you know anything or not?”

“Everything,” the prey breathed in all the air he could muster on his throat. His cold blood flowed from his broken nose. “You heard it all.”

He lost consciousness before the predator could even do it for him. It was the safest way out of the hands of a killing machine who no longer knew the word, ‘satisfied.’

The predator clicked his tongue and screamed in agony likened to a wounded animal in the middle of the forest where there’s nothing but tall trees.


“Having trouble?” Kurosawa leaned over her his shoulders, touching hers. He could smell her cologne, the type which only latched itself on the user’s clothes and fade.

She looked up to him, honeyed brown irises focused on his deep blue ones. “Not really.”

“But that’s Math, moreover it’s advanced,” he pointed out, not leaving her eyes. “Most people here have trouble dealing with it.”

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