新月: Chapter 02- Changing Tides

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新月: Chapter 02- Changing Tides

'The world is a fragile, lonely place.

Are you searching for its gaze?'

"Azacchan!" the barely awake amnesiac whipped her head to her side only for her face to be pressed on someone’s chest from a person whom she didn’t recognize. Since a week passed prior to the time she woke up, her bandages lessened though it did not minus the pain. A simple hug already felt suffocating and unbearable.

“I’m sorry! Kyoto’s far from here so I wasn’t able to visit early! Are you feeling well?” the stranger, who looks dashing with her well kept dawn orange hair and beautiful tall stature, asked the amnesiac while loosening her grip.

Azami moved her eyes from left to right searching for her parents and her older brother to get some answer about this person standing right before her.

“Azacchan?” the stranger asked again, concern embraced the orange haired teen’s face.

“I can’t breathe.” Azami mumbled, her fingers clenched tightly on the bed covers.

“Sorry… did it still hurt?”

Azami nodded.

The stranger sighed and wearingly retired to the nearby chair. A smile lighted up her features though from underneath those lashes was a mask that hid her real feelings.

“I’m really sorry… Azacchan.” The stranger’s eyes went downcast.

“Why are you apologizing?” I don’t even know you…

The stranger looked up, familiarizing herself with the bland white ceiling that offered nothing but silence.

“Before I came here…” she started. “I tried to compose myself… but…” muffled cries drowned her supposed sentence. The stranger was in pain and Azami could feel it as if it’s her own. She felt her heart squeeze in her chest—violently and unnatural. It was unbearable, just as how it feels when she first laid her eyes on her family.

The three of them knew what will happen when she wakes up but just like the teen adjacent to her, they weren’t able to control the pain.

It devastated the amnesiac that she can’t cry for them even if she does felt the same thing. Maybe it was actually less painful or maybe…

“You don’t have to cry, Emi.” Another stranger spoke from behind the tall female. The speaker prompted the amnesiac to raise her head and meet his gaze.

The other stranger, a boy with mismatched orbs of bright scarlet and golden yellow orbs, a small stature compared to the crying female, and with a hair of burning fire made the amnesiac shy away. He had an aura of an authoritative bigger animal, far from a vulnerable prey like the amnesiac.

“Seijurou-kun…” the girl now revealed as ‘Emi’ glanced over to get a look of the redhead’s face. “Azacchan is…”

“I know,” the boy named ‘Seijurou’ replied, raising a rectangular closed board with a structure similar to that of a chessboard. “Shintaro reported to me earlier.”

“Excuse me…” Azami spoke, her hand gripping the soft mattress on her side. It gave in to her fingers but it offered less comfort to the anxiety that slowly crippled her head.

“Yes?” Seijurou asked, his cold and blank eyes settled on her battered figure.

“Can you please clear these things out for me?” she finally spoke out. “Ever since the two of you entered… things became confusing..”

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now