盈虧: Chapter 12- The end of the rainbow might or might not be a pot of gold

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盈虧: Chapter 12- The end of the rainbow might or might not be a pot of gold

“Peeka boo!” Midorima narrowed his eyes at the person who attempted to surprise him. The little girl pouted, her lime green irises drawn disappointedly.

“Onii-chan, you’re not fun at all!” the girl skipped down from the fence and ran down to hug him. The girl’s arms were around him like a snake slow killing a mouse.

Midorima reached out and patted the girl’s head, the same way he usually did when she greets him by the gate every afternoon. “I’m surprised. I’m surprised.”

She raised her head to face him and grinned, her spirits finally at ease.

“Hehe, let’s head in, Onii-chan~”

“Let’s go then.”

His little sister grasped his hand and pulled the gate open. The siblings made their way to the house greeted by the little girl’s nanny who motioned them to the dining table as soon as she spotted them.

“Where’s Mom?” Midorima asked his sister while settling her down beside him. “Mako?”

“Mama?” his little sister started to dig in her meal. “She went to visit Papa.”

Midorima narrowed his eyes. “How is he?”

“Papa’s doing fine.”

“Hmm…” he lowered his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Is that so?”

“He’s doing well, Onii-chan,” Mako pressed further, her cheeks dusted with red. “He’s a lot stronger now!”

Midorima took the glass of water opposite him and drank its contents. The cool water ailed his thirst and made way for him to think of what he’s going to say next. In the end, he released a sign, “Let’s visit him tomorrow.”

Mako’s eyes brightened with glee, her arms latched on her big brother once again. “Let’s go!”

He smiled and reached out to pat her head once again.


Azami tucked some loose strands against her ear, her fingers intertwined nervously while her eyes glanced from left to right.

“Hey,” Kurosawa called out and patted her shoulder making her turn. “You alright?”

“Yeah… um…” she stuttered, not knowing how to place her thoughts in order. “I’m fine.”

“You sure? You look like you need to go to the washroom…”

“Huh? No… I’m just…”

Kurosawa raised a brow quizzically and studied her worrisome face. She looked away and hid her face with her palm to avoid his gaze.

“Hmm…” he shifted his gaze to his wristwatch where he could see both the time and the date for today. He studied it for while, the blinking numbers changed from nine-o’-eight to nine-o’-nine. “Oh… because tomorrow’s Saturday?”

“Eh?” she turned back to him in surprise, betraying what was supposed to be her secret. His lips curled to a devious smile making her blush in embarrassment.

“You don’t have to be nervous, just act natural,” he advised. “Besides, they’re your friends, they would try as much as they can to not make you feel uneasy around them.”

“Is that so?” she casted a gaze down her intertwined fingers, sadness marked her irises. “Actually, they do.”

“Huh? How?”

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now