盈虧: Chapter 09- The raindrops that silently fell on the ground

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  • Dedicated to Katherine Anne Mayo

盈虧: Chapter Nine- The raindrops that silently fell on the ground

"At the score of 151 to 12, Teiko Middle School wins!" the referee raised his hand and put it down as both sides bowed to one another.

"Thank you for the game!"

Both sides soon departed with the losing team's eyes focused on the backs of the ones who defeated them. They were the living legend of basketball players who focused on their current goal; to win the third championship for the region by rapidly showing their power against willing challengers. The monsters looked down on their opponents without refusal; the elites who wouldn't even let the others feel even a shred of hope.

The Generation of Miracles.

"Ah, I wasn't able to score much once again," Kise complained. The blond flailed his arms up irritably.

"Shut up, Kise. That doesn't matter at all," Aomine grumbled in response. The swarthy bluenette released a tired yawn without excuse.

"You were holding the ball too long, Aomine. Thanks to you, I made few shots again." Midorima voiced out his own complaint. The green head raised his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

The swarthy bluenette simply dismissed the greenhead's claim with a shrug. He didn't want to listen to what his teammates are spouting at all.

Murasakibara on the other hand placed his focus on his newly opened Maiubo, not wanting to concern himself with the others' troubles.

"You didn't pass the ball back to me at all too, Midorimacchi!" Kise complained once again, seeing as no one would worry about it again.

The greenhead released a sigh, "If I can already make a shot then there's no way I would pass the ball to you, Kise. If I score lower than you then I would have to worry about spending my money to treat you all once again."

"But I can't keep on treating you all forever!"

"Isn't it okay? You earn more than I do. I bet you already have a bookshelf of gravure magazines at your place." Aomine butted in lazily, his eyes narrowed at the blond who was following behind him.

"How vulgar, Aomine."

"I'm not like that at all, Aominecchi! My sisters always come inside my room! All magazines that I have there are the newly issued ones that featured me!"

"Oi, Midorima, you may look stiff but I bet that you're also hiding porn books behind that crazy lucky items of yours!"

"I do not accustom myself to such vulgarity, Aomine. Stooping as low to your level is humiliating."

"What did you say?!"

Aomine gripped the greenhead's collar in annoyance which the latter responded by narrowing his eyes. Kise on the other hand cried crocodile tears since he was ignored once again.

"...Akachin, should we leave them behind?" Murasakibara asked the silent captain whom he was following. They are already standing a few feet away from the others.

"We're already leaving them behind, Atsushi. Finding something to argue about after a match sure is interesting."

"What about our usual meeting?"

"We don't need it right now."

“Okay then.”

Murasakibara returned to his food and ignored his companions who already gave in to fighting.


Azami sneezed loudly all of a sudden. With tear brimmed eyes, she used her tissue to wipe what came out from her nose. “It sure is kind of cold when it’s supposed to be summer.”

Remembering to Forget (KnB: Midorima Shintaro) - DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now