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Kendal pov

Niall and i ate our food quickly, we got two large pizzas, one for me, one for him, i'm lucky my metabolism can handle this kind of thing.

We were at our small pizza place where the best pizza is located, Nialler and i made and agreement a year ago that we could only come here together, because it's our special spot. I remember that it made Harry jealous.

ugh thinking about him makes me not hungry, i lost my appetite, and niall noticed.

"You usually finish at least half, what's wrong?" He asked. I shrugged, "i dunno, i guess......i just don't know how Harry is going to react when he sees that i'm moving back in." I said, honestly. Niall chuckled, "You know, Kenny, after you broke it off, he felt like an idiot, he would never stop talking about you. i think he might be happy about it." he said.

I laughed sarcastically. "Niall you are so funny, but he didn't care that he hurt me, i saw the way he looked at me when i slapped him and told him we were not going to be together anymore, he didn't care. He smirked, and said that he was glad!" I yelled. The restaurantwas empty, just me and niall along with the employees. It was embarrassing, but i had to let it out.

"Kendal-" I cut him off. "No niall, i know you are going to defend him, say he was being an idiot, or that he was trying to be strong about it in front of me, but who gives a shit? He broke me, like everyone else does. it took me forever to get over him. I had to stop seeing all of you in order to get him out. You are my best friend! He took you away from me! But now i have you back. honestly, he isn't going to be happy at all, but i don't really care anymore." I said.

i huffed, and slouched into my seat. Niall chuckled and took my hand from across the table, he held it, the warmth enveloping me.

"You need to calm down love, but like you said, who cares of what he says, You are staying no matter what, I just got my best friend back and i'm not going to loose you." I smiled at his words.

My phone buzzed and i took it out, looking at it.

From Liam:

Hey baby cakes, so i heard you are going to be staying with us?

To Liam:

yup, i hope that's not a problem.

From Liam:

of course not, how could i say no to my favourite cousin? I'll be home tomorrow, see you soon.

I didn't feel like texting back, so i just put my phone back in my pocket.

"Thanks Nialler, are you ready to go?" I asked. He nodded, Niall finished his pizza so we only took my leftovers.


Niall and i walked in to the house, laughing about the memory we had been talking about. He turned on the light.

"Remember the time, when Liam got so m-" I stopped talking. When the lights turned on, i saw something that sent daggers through my whole body.

Harry was full on making out with some blonde girl on the couch. They pulled apart when the lights turned on.

the girl. I recognised her. it was Lauren. they both stared at me, eyes wide. Lauren smiled a bit, looking over at Harry. My eyes locked with Harry's, i was tearing up, i could feel it.

i turned my face quickly, looking at niall, and then that was when i ran, all the way upstairs, over to Niall's room. I closed the door, locking myself in.

i sat on the floor. I bet they've been together this whole time.


Harry and Lauren pulled away, i was crying, my face in tears. "Harry." i whispered. they looked at me, lauren smiled, and whispered something to Harry.

Harry snickered, an evil grin forming on his face. "Babe, get over it." He said. I was shocked. i went up to him and slapped him.

"You fucking bastered." i said. He looked back at me, hurt in his eyes, i turned away from him, and walked away.

"We are over." i whispered, loud enough so he could hear. i looked back, and Lauren was smiling, and she pulled up his chin, and he smiled again.

The feeling, well there was none. i felt so dead, so close to it, the closest I've ever felt.

End of flashback

i was now sobbing. He cheated, and didn't even care, he smiled, and laughed, i was so broken, i was so betrayed. I remember not eating for a week, i had to go to the hospital. i love eating, and i starved because of him.

I heard knocks on the door, and i just couldn't answer, i thought i was so over him, but i'm not. i can't be if i'm crying. oh God what is my problem?

"Kendal please let me in." It was Niall's voice. i sighed, getting up, i looked in the mirror, o God i looked horrible.

I opened the door, slowly, and niall hugged me, as soon as i caught sight of him. "I'm sorry." he whispered.

i pulled away shaking my head. "No, it's ok he can do whatever the fuck he wants." I said. Niall nodded slowly. "But tell me one thing?" i asked.

He nodded again. "Are they.....together?" i asked. He shrugged, "They have been on and off since you and him broke up, when you two broke up they were off then a few weeks later they were on, then a few days later they were off, and an hour later they were making out again, they don't know how to make up there mind." he said.

i nodded and smiled. "Let's go back downstairs." i said. Niall gave me a confused look. "I cant hide forever." i said, grabbing his hand, pulling him downstairs.

we got to the living room, Harry and Lauren, looked at us. "Hey Kendal." Lauren said, in a mocking tone. "hey bitch! How are you?" I said, in a sarcastic sweet voice. Niall laughed, and Lauren looked at me in a a shocked, annoyed way. I stuck my middle finger at her, and smiled, putting my arm around Niall's waist, leading him to the kitchen.

Niall stopped laughing, "She was so mad!" He said, i nodded, and giggled at his excitement. i got out a bag of pop corn. and stuck it into the microwave.

Niall and i continued to talk about it, when Harry walked in. "I hope you're happy, you made her leave, and she's mad at me!!! I didn't even do anything!" He said.

I laughed, i love it when he's mad, he's adorable with how his hair flops and his green eyes, are shining. When he yells you can see his cute dimples- Wait a minute!!! omfg what am i saying!?!?!?!

"Sucks for you." i said. He glared at me as i smiled back. He sighed, "So, what happened to never talking to me again?" Harry asked.

Niall got a phone call and left the kitchen, as i thought about what to say. "well, i figured if I'll be living here again, i at least have to say something." I said.

His jaw dropped, he was speechless, i couldn't help but chuckle. "Y-you're moving in again?" He asked softly.

I nodded, slowly and he joined me. "Well, then welcome back, it will be interesting." With that, he left, leaving me so confused and alone in the kitchen, a feeling that has come from him many times before.

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