Meeting the familly

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Harry pov

When we landed back home my mum picked us up from the airport.

She kept going on and on about how She wanted Gemma to spend the day with us today and tomorrow but she is with Vince today so it will only be tomorrow.

She also kept talking about our plans for today and how we are going to a familly Christmas Eve party tonight. She kept going into details of details for our day.

Kendal was being a good sport by nodding and adding a few comments here and there, Whilst i couldnt take it any longer so i decided to take a nap.

My mum scolded at me for sleeping and said how i missed talk of our plans when we got home. She told me that Kendal would fill me in but we all knew that wasn't going to happen.

Right now my mum and I are baking cookies and sweets for the party at my aunt's house. Kendal is making some chicken that smells fantastic. She said her old best friend's mum taught them how to make it when they were 12. I cant belive how she remembers the recipie.

I am pretty sure that friend of hers died In a car accident when they were 15. Kendal was in the car with her, and The girl's brother, Who had been Kendal's Boyfriend a week before her death. They continued going out for a year i think, Though im not completely sure.

"Harry can you get the oven mits?" My mum asks. I nod and walk to the counter and slide them on my hand.

I open the oven and take out the cookies.

"Harry can you take out the chicken too?" Kendal asks.

"Yup." I say, Taking out her chicken aswell.

"Wow kendal that smells amazing!" My mum exclaims.

"Thank you, Although i sure hope it tastes better than it looks and smells." She says with an uneasy chuckle.

"Nonsence! I am sure everyone will love it." My mum said with a smile.

"I am going to clean myself up and get ready, You two should get ready as well, We leave in about an hour or so." Mum says before heading upstairs.

"Harry..." Kendal says once my mum is gone.

"Yes love." I answer, Finishing the frosting on the last sugar cookie.

"What if your familly doesnt like me?" She asked

"They'll love you, Especially my aunt Nina and Grandmother, They Will love you. I am sure of it. You have nothing to worry about." I say.

I walk over to her and hug her from behind. I kiss the top of her head and then rest my head on hers.

We stay like this for a long while before i break the silence. "We should get ready." I say, Lifting my head. She nods and turns around to peck my lips before taking my hand and walking me to my room.


"You two are adorable, Harry you look so Handsome and kendal you look stunning! I have to get photo's." My mum said.

Although i hate photos, I have to agree with my mum. Kendal looks amazing. She is wearing a Royal Blue skater dress that belongs to El, I think, But looks way better on her anyways, and her natural strawberry-blonde waves are intact.

Her hair changes colour, Kind of lile my eyes, She can almost always pass for a blonde but sometimes her strawberry blonde is revealed. Liam says she had strawberry blonde hair as a child. I honestly like it better than the regular blonde.

We pose for a few photos, Before Mum joins me and leaves Kendal to taking the photos.

"Okay well, Harry You take the bag of food, and we shall be on our way! Gemma said she will be stopping by later." My mum says with a smile.

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