How ya doin'?

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Kendal pov

We reached the bottom of the stairs and pushed through the crowd of people who were circled around, Louis, Eleanor, and the one and only Leigh Anne.

I really wanna say 'i told you so' to harry but that can be done later. There was a cake on the table and the Vase of glass that held sunflowers earlier, is now Millions of smithereens that are scattered across the floor.

There was no doubt in my mind that Leigh anne broke it.

"What the hell  is SHE doing here?" She said angerly, pointing to me and looking at Louis.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest.

"She IS Liam's cousin, and Harry's girlfriend, plus she kind of lives in the same house as me." He said in a 'duhh' tone.

She groaned and made her way to me, stumbiling and mumbiling things.

"How ya doin'?" She asks in a strange voice, giggling immediatly after talking. Her breath reaked of alcohol, my hazziness wore off a while ago but this girl is super drunk.

"Just do us all a favor and leave." I say.

She laughs. "As if! I came for MY birthday boy. But now im thinking i'd rather take MY harry home."  She said.

I winced when she said MY harry. She made her way to him.

"Heyyyyy harryyyy." She slurred.

Her hand placed on his chest caused me to want to rip her head off but i knew better.

"Get off." He said, Taking her hand off of him.

She pouted, and looked at me with red blood shot eyes.

"It is all because of you! You are blinding him from me! You bitch." She says.

I let my inner child come out and i cross my arms and stick my tounge out at her.

She stomps her foot in annoyance.

"You know what KENDALL!!! You may have him but at least my life isn't a pathetic sob story like you. No one has ever loved you, And no one ever will. When Harry is done with you, You will have NO ONE. But he will come for me after." She says.

She is about to continue but i hear a loud smack. Leigh anne is holding her pink cheek and everyone is starring at us, mouth hanging open. Harry's mouth is closed but his eyes are wide open.

I just did that didn't I??? Well she absoloutley deserved it.

Paul came over with some other big security guard. They took Leigh Anne away, who was kicking and screaming.

"Ok, Well since your mouths are all open, We should sing to the birthday boy." I say.

Everyone laughs and we start singing to Louis.

"Happy birthday tooo yoouuuuu

Happpyy birthdayyy to youuu

Happy birthdayyy too Louuuiisssss

Happy birthday to you!" we started cheering as he blew out his candles.

Then El said somthing to him which caused him to laugh loudly. They kissed and we all 'awwedd.'

"Oh stop it!!" El exclaimed.


At 3 am everyone finally left and I got out of my dress and changed into a pair of harry's boxers and a tank top.

I brush my teeth in the bathroom and wash my face before pading over to harry on the bed. I turn of the light and get in bed. I pull the crisp white covers over me  i feel a strong arm wrap around me.

"Did you have fun?" He asked in a yawn.

"Mhmm, except for Leigh anne but that slap was pretty enjoyable." i say.

He chuckled. "Everyone else thinks so too, It was intertaining and it made you look so hot." He said.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldnt see in the dark he chuckled.

"You just rolled your eyes, didnt you?" He asked.

"Yep, Now good night baby." I Say, snughling into him.

"see you in the morning. Love you." He said, Pecking my head afterwords.

"Love you." I say before drifting off.


" Kendal...."

"Wakey wakey...." Harrys voice cood.

"Mmmmm." I say, turning over.

"I let you sleep for an hour over, We are leaving to the airport in a half hour." He says.

I groan as the door shuts. I open my eyes and He is gone, I look at the clock. 1:45.

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