Making plans

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Xx ok so i said i would give a shout out to Jze812 For a sweet comment and cuz i told him i would give him a shout out and i keep my word! enjoy this chapter guys!xX-leslogr

Harry pov

I felt somthing move beside me as i was half-asleep. I realized it was kendal, and pulled her close to me, tightly. I felt her jump a bit in suprise, i realized she is probably awake, so i decided to wake up to be with the girl of my dreams. I forced my eyes open, and the first thing they saw was kendal's smile.

Then they saw her boobs....but let's just ignore that so i dont make a stupid comment in front of her. I focused back on her smile, and she leaned in to peck my lips. When they touched a sudden warmth, filled my body, and my heart pounded, when she pulled away i suddenly got cold, and my body created a hunger towards the warmth.

"Morning love. Sleep well?" I asked. She nodded, and traced my abs with her index finger sending chills through my body. "What about you? Did you sleep well?" She asked. I nodded.

"I haven't been sleeping well for a while, i think it's just that my body needed you next to me." She chuckled at my words. I lifted her chin so her eyes met mine. "I'm serious......i've missed....this." I said.

She smiled, her breath taking smile. " I've missed this too." She said. That's all i needed, I have her again. She might not be my girlfriend, but We're getting there. I've gotten her from hating me, to flirting with me, to being friends, to being more than that. I think right now we are in the 'Friends with benifets' Stage.

I pulled her over top of me, so her skinny body was sitting on my lap, as i sat up on my bed. i tucked a loose strand of hair, behind her ear, before leaning in to kiss her.

She put her hand on the side of my neck, and leaned closer too.

"HARRYYY WEEE NEED YOU AND KENDAL IMMEDIATLY!!!" Louis yelled Whilist knocking on the door. "God damn must you ruin everything?" I asked. He laughed, "don't you know anything about me haz? Of course i must, by the way kendal, Harry and i have somthing special, you can ask the fans about Larry, you will never replace me in his heart." he said, before shuffling away.

"I wasn't planning on it!" Kendall called after him. Ouch, that hurt. Naaa it wasn't truthfull though, it was just for louis, right?

"Can i borrow clothes?" She asked. I nodded, and got up and grabbed her a t-shirt that would be too big and a pair of boxers. "Naa, i'll take the shirt, and grab knickers in my room, the shirt is long enough for a dress, i just think wearing a guys boxers is weird, i dont know why girls go crazy for it, a shirt sure, but boxers? It's like you wearing my thong." She said.

I laughed, as she got up from my bed. She ran across the hall to her room quickly, to put on A bra and knickers.

She came back in, with her hair in a low, side ponytail, that went over her right shoulder, and My shirt on. I got on a shirt and boxers before, taking her hand, and walking downstairs.

"What is this about?" We heard Liam ask, as we took the empty seats on the love seat.

"Well, we have been invited to go clubbing with Perrie and her band..... and we have to go tonight,'a not a single's club, you have to bring a date." Zayn said.

"What kind of club is that?" Louis said. Zayn shrugged, "so, you have to bring a date, i'm bringing perrie obviously." Zayn said. "I'll bring dani, i'm sure she will want to go." Liam said.

"YEY ELEANOUR WILL COME!" Louis exclaimed. "Louis, what about me?" i said, fake crying. He smiled, "You can go with that lovely lady beside you." He said, refering to kendal. Kendal blushed, and i kissed her cheek.

"Will you go with me tonight?" i whispered in her ear. She smiled and nodded.

I mentally air high fived myself, i dont evern know if thats possible, but ohhhh yeaaahhhhh im goin' to a club with Kendal.

"Nialler, do you have a date?" Kendal asked. He shook his head no, and a smile spread across her face. "I know who you can go with." She said. "Who?" He asked.

"JADE!!!" She exclaimed. Niall blushed at the mention of jade's name. "I dunno if she would want to go with me...." he said. "nonsence! She is so into you niall! sometimes i think you are completely blind, and you've always had a tiny want me to set you two up??" I asked. He nodded, quickly, and Kendal pulled out her phone, doing her little magic.

Jade is in The girl band Little mix, with Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend. Niall and Jade have always had a thing for eachother.

"Wait...Zayn what is this non-singles club called?" Louis asked. Zayn chuckled, "There is no such thing, i just wanted you guys to have dates." He said. WE all laughed.

Kendal smiled, "Well in that case, i'm going solo, sorry haz....i just like having fun. she winked at me before skipping up the stairs.

"Oh my god....she just ditched you." Louis said before bursting out laughing. I felt shocked, but i knew what she was doing, it's what i told her once, but we ended up spending the whole night together.

I just then got a text from her.

From kendal

Dont worry babe, i'll save you a dance :)

To: Kendal

What kind of dance?

i sent it, and went back to the conversation.

"Wait, does that mean Leigh Anne will be there?" Louis asked. Zayn nodded. Louis groaned and stomped away. Leigh Anne always trys to flirt with louis and steel him away from El.

My phone viberated and i took it out.

From : Kendal

Any kind of dance you want

I smiled at the text and put my phone down. Soon, a fully dressed kendal came down stairs. "I have a final exam later, and i'm going to study at the library before, wish me luck! I'll be back at 7." she said, before leaving.

We waved and i was looking forward for tonight.

Xx i know, i know short chapter, but im updating again later. Plus this chapter ssucks, but the next one should be interesting.xX- Leslogr

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