Prologue 4

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Everything happens, 
for a reason. 


"Father, father, please, I beg of you!" I pleaded, falling onto my knees, trying to gather my thoughts.
"You will adress me as Alpha, daughter"
I bowed my head.
"You will never hiss at me again". My chest throbbed where my heart should be, yet it just felt like an empty corner of my chest.
"He is my mate!" I hissed.
"Stop that!" He ordered. 
"You have stolen my mate! I knew it from the start!"
"You are just thirteen. I hardly find this appropriate. You are barely a she-wolf" 

This man was no longer my father. He was the alpha, and I was just a female wolf to him. I grabbed some of the grass on the floor I was kneeling on, and pulled on it. I was possesed. 

"Mother, mother, mother- you cannot do this! You must help me" 
"I agree with your father" Tears welled in my eyes. There were no other people around the deserted edge of the forest. 

No one to help me protest. 

"You have ruined my day. Completely"
"No, we have not. We have saved your childhood"

What was my childhood- it just looked like a bleak road that wasn't going to end. 

"When is he mine again?" 
"When you and him are ready" My mother answered. 
"I am ready now" 
"You are not ready now" My father whispered. 

The dawn was beginning to break, so we left the clearing, and I returned to bed, my eyes stinging with tears. 

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The 14 year old alphaWhere stories live. Discover now