two ; capture

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Second thoughts shot through my head like bullets.

If my own sister couldn't penetrate StarKiller Base without escaping capture, how the hell did I expect to?

My sister, Seeder, was a better pilot and fighter than I'd ever dreamed of being. She'd shot down more First Order ships than any other pilot in the Resistance, including Poe, and she wasn't afraid to brag about it. I'd come to love her more dearly than anyone, especially after my parent's untimely deaths. Deaths, that were caused by none other than the only enemy I've come to know; the First Order.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I see the horrid planet looming in front of me. Now or never, I think to myself, before pushing the levers in my hands. I feel the auto-jets propel me forward, passing into its orbit.

All I see is white. The ground is covered in snow, and there's not really a good place to land.

"Shit." I mutter, tapping at controls in a nervous manor. My descent is loud and wobbly, and if the control hadn't noticed my appearance yet, I'm sure they have now. I'm screwed.

My ship lands with a thud, disturbing the snow and sending it flying everywhere. I remove my seat belts and turn off the panel, before noticing movement through my windshield. Approaching are 8 stormtroopers, their guns raised, awaiting my appearance.

So much for sneaking in.

I let the windshield rise from its place and climb out, raising my hands above my head in surrender as soon as I touch the ground.

This is definitely the dumbest thing I've ever done.

"That was easy." One says sarcastically, pressing his gun between my shoulder blades. He shoves me forward, making me scoff.

"Careful." I hiss, shooting him daggers. The group ignores my outburst and presses me forward, right to the place I so hoped to make it into. That's when I realize that this could be a blessing in disguise.

As long as they don't kill me first.

Stationed in the center of the group, we march right inside. Anyone who passes doesn't give us a second glance, as if Resistance prisoners are an everyday thing.

We enter so many stairwells and trot down so many steps that by the time we reach my destination, my thighs ache mercilessly. The trooper shoves me into a room and slams the door behind me, yelling a few final words about my interrogation being soon.

The room has a dark cement floor and a single, large chair in the middle. The walls are all red except for a large window where you can see the whole snowy landscape of the StarKiller, and the lighting is very dim. The door that shuts me in is dark and heavy looking, with several impenetrable locks. I can hear footsteps echoing through the hallways outside, when there are some; it seems as if this area of the base isn't inhabited as much as others.

It feels like several hours before I finally hear something come from the door.

There are several feet walking in the same direction; this direction. The locks slowly begin to turn and I can hear the hum of a very low voice right outside. I cross my arms and try to appear bored, when in reality, my heart is heavily pounding through my chest.

The door glides open and a pair of troopers enter, followed by another pair. And then, my drumming heart completely freezes in place.

A man slips in, his gait gracefully silent. He's dressed in black, head to toe, and his face is shielded from view by a harsh mask. A cape is draped over his shoulders; a hood rests over his masked head. His body is slim, strong, and built handsomely well. Everything about his appearance is threatening and dark, enough to make you a nervous wreck just looking at him.

I've never seen him before but I know who he is.

He is the man who is most feared by the galaxy. He is the man the Resistance had warned me of. He is the man who can scare anyone with a glance. He is a master of the Knights of Ren. He is the man who is loathed so much by every being in the Resistance that they wish him a fate worse than death.

He is Kylo Ren.


ok so it's been a couple of days

i love to see new readers here and i would like to say right away that i am so grateful for you all

i would love to hear your thoughts on my story and i encourage you not to be afraid to comment because it's my favorite to hear from you

thank you for reading my story and I'll be sure to check out any of yours if you ask

goodness this is exciting i just adore kylo

and if you were wondering, the lovely lady at the top is seeder


so that's it

i'll see you in a day or two when i update next:-)



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