twenty eight ; sleep

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Kylo's pov (surprise!)

My eyes open wide in a panic.

I take in my surroundings. The ground is grey with dirt; rock formations rise from various places around me. The sky is dark as night, moist with fog.

But I feel as if it isn't night, or day, even. Any sense of time has escaped me; I seek its comfort.

I hear a scream, loud and sudden.

My heart stops beating in my chest and the color drains from my face.

It's her.

My feet are running before I tell them to. I turn corners and dive deeper into the ultimate nothing-ness, desperate to find her and brutally murder the source of her pain.

I skid to a stop, dirt flying up in a cloud towards the opposite direction.

She's curled against a rock, tears streaming down her face, but she doesn't see me. I crouch down, trying desperately to comfort her. I reach out to touch her; just as my fingers were meant to meet her shoulder, she disappears, vanishes, another scream echoing in my ears.

I'm running again.

I can't find her.

It could've been minutes or hours or days since I began looking for her again, but I can no longer tell the difference.

Finally, I see a light.

It's dim, reigning from the heavens. It is casted upon her.

Her wet cheeks shine in the light and I've never seen her so beautiful.

She's holding something.

It's tucked into her arms carefully; two little things completely covered by a blanket of some sort. It's soft and green, a tuft of something black at the top. It's the perfect size for her hold, fitting in her arms like a missing puzzle piece, but I can't put my finger on what it is.

My stomach flutters, and I feel a strange want to hold it in my own arms.

I approach her, as if in a trance. Her gorgeous eyes seem to flit anywhere but me. Why doesn't she see me?

"Mali?" I ask, as soon as I'm close enough hat she can hear my whisper.

She sees me now, but her eyes grow as huge as saucers, full of terror.

"What's wrong?" My lip quivers as I continue to come closer to her. She begins to back away, shaking her head softly.

"Don't hurt me." She says quietly. I frown.

"I l-love you Mali, I would never hurt you." I reason, but she hears none of it. Her eyes no longer linger on mine, but behind me.

I turn to see what's captured her attention. My jaw drops in utter surprise.

I realize exactly where I'm at with a jolt.

condemned ; kylo renWhere stories live. Discover now