seventeen ; blind

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My stomach drops the very second that Ky's bright eyes open again.

It's been 5 days. I endured surgery a day after my donation of blood. I have a removable cast on my leg, and I'm expected not to walk much in hopes of letting it fix itself properly.

The donation of my blood saved Kylo's life. He doesn't know it yet.

I'm so happy to see him healthy, awake, and alive again. The way he looks at me makes my heart beat faster.

Then I'm stunned; we're all stunned at what happens next.

He becomes frantic. He throws the blankets from his waist and looks back and forth, in an almost crazy manner, angry tears filling up in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, comfortingly setting my hand on his shoulder. He shrugs it off, looking at me and breathing heavily. I frown in confusion.

"Ma'am, maybe you should leave." A doctor suggests, having seen this play out. He has no authority to reprimand Kylo for the way he's acting, even if it's wrong.

"No. Not until I figure out what's wrong." I refuse, looking at Kylo again. He's reaching his hand out now, holding it out awkwardly, and I realize that he's trying to summon his lightsaber.

He's angry. He's letting his anger control him again. His disorder.

"Watch out!" I yell, warning the doctor just in time to prevent the weapon from cracking his skull as it flies into the room.

"Kylo, please don't do anything you'll regret." I try to sound soothing, even though I'm terrified.

"I never regret." He spits, igniting the weapon.

I don't think before my next action plays out; if I did, I would've stopped myself from doing it.

I grab the hand that grasps the saber, feeling the heat dangerously close to my skin. The only sound filling the room is that of the weapon itself. Kylo is frozen; he finally, very slowly, turns to look at me, and I see him there. The real him.

"M-Mali." He says quietly.

"I'm here." I whisper. He gulps, and I can tell he doesn't plan to speak another word. He only looks into my eyes.

"Kylo, you can't throw a tantrum here. You could hurt someone. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong. Don't do anything you'll regret."

The phrase, the one about regret, seems to trigger his anger again. He growls, slamming his weapon onto the floor. It thankfully shuts off before landing there, as to not start any fires.

The doctor only watches from the corner of the room, unable to call any authorities as Kylo is the authorities. Fear is plastered onto his face like a big billboard.

"You will not order me around, you pathetic, silly little girl." He spits. Then, his fist collides with my cheek.

I scream, falling to the floor.

He doesn't seem to care.

His disorder, I remind myself, maybe he didn't mean it.

I already feel heat rushing up into my cheek where his hand made contact with my face; it'll surely bruise.

"Miss, I really think you should go-"

"Silence!" Kylo growls. The doctor's mouth squeezes shut, and he looks as if he'll shit himself.

"K-Kylo, please say what's wrong. Please. I'll leave, I'll disappear. Just tell us what's wrong, so the doctor can help you." I say quietly, feeling completely defeated. My face throbs.

His lightsaber is already back in his hand, and he's lifted himself from the bed, wincing at the pain in his waist. He seems almost unaware of the injuries, or what happened earlier in the week.

He's blinded by anger, and I have no idea what fuels it.

He slashes at the countless medical instruments and the wall, sparks flying all over the place. He hasn't yelled once as he usually does; he looks rather intent on what he's doing.

I crawl on the floor towards him.

After he struck me, I have no idea why I'm trying to help him.

Why I care so much.

I approach his right side, but he doesn't notice I'm there, at all.

Why won't he look at me?

I stand. He pays no attention.

I tap his arm. He turns to look at me fast.

He's frozen in place, looking at me like that again. Really looking at me.

His shoulders raise up and down slightly as he's breathing so heavily, sucking in breaths.

"How long have you been there?" He mumbles.

"A minute or two." I shrug.

He drops to the floor, burying his face in his hands, sobbing.

I kneel down, placing my hand on his hot, slightly sweaty shoulder; carefully this time. I don't think I'll be able to touch him for a while without fearing violence that he inflicts.

"C-can you tell me what's wrong, Ky?" I stutter. I raises his head. He sees my fear. He knows it's because of him.

"My eye." He says quietly.

"Your, eye?" I question, confused. He shakily raises his fingers, touching his large, stitched up wound, that lies dangerously close to his right eye.

I suddenly realize what he means; why he didn't notice my approach earlier.

"Your gash." I continue.

"My right eye, it's-I'm.... blind."


hey fam😎

the next update could be tomorrow or the day after that or next week but I'll try as hard as I can to get it to you as soon as I can:))

thank you for all of the feedback, you have no idea how much I appreciate it, and don't be afraid to comment! I love love looooove your guy's comments!

I hope to see you soon:-)

*sends virtual Kylo hugs, which even Mali hasn't gotten yet*

also! follow me on Twitter and tell me you're from wattpad, I'll definitely follow back:)) ( @poloroidlukerh )


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