five ; wound

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The next 6 days for me go exactly like the first.

I sit in my room for an endless amount of time. Around 4:00 Kylo Ren enters my room and pisses me off for one reason for another, and I fall asleep incredibly peeved.

I turn away from the window that I'd been staring out all day to realize that it's past 4:00, and there's been no Kylo.


He's never late.

I look at my hands and twirl a loose piece of string from my shirt between my fingers. This room is always very cold, I think to myself. It makes sense though, considering this is a planet covered in snow. Just as I stand to grab a sweater, the door slams open.

"You're late today." I comment, noticing the rigidness of Kylo's shoulders. He seems angrier than usual. I shouldn't cross him.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" He responds sarcastically, looking at me from across the room.

It occurs to me that I've never once seen him without his mask.

"I suppose." I cross my arms. My conversations with him usually go like this. That's when I notice something. There's a tear in the side of Kylo's otherwise neat leather glove.

"Turn your hand over." I blurt, without thinking much about my ordering tone.

"What did you say to me?" His tone is rude, and I'm immediately sorry for the way I'd ordered him around.

"I-I wanted you to turn your hand over.. so I could see it." I frown. He seems to study his hand for a long time, studying, calculating. Finally, he does as I'd asked turns it over. My eyes widen and I jump forward for a closer look. There's a long rip across the palm of his glove, and I can see his skin. Along the rip is a bloody gash with bright red, enflamed skin surrounding.

"What happened?" I ask.

"General Hux informed me of something that made me angry, and I seemed to have cut my hand with my lightsaber through my rage." He admits, surprising me slightly. I slip closer, not sure if I should touch him or not. I want to help him.

"You don't need to be afraid of me." He sighs. I furrow my eyebrows. It never occurred to me that I was afraid of him, but- I am afraid of him.

"I won't hurt you." He says quietly. My heart leaps and I no longer know how to feel. Despite everything anyone has told me about him, seeing him as a bad person almost seems weird to me. I'm afraid of him.. yet, he hasn't failed to make my heart beat faster.

I grab my Resistance-issued first aid kit from my shelf and approach him slowly. I suck in a breath and take his hand. I can feel my face reddening and try desperately to hide it, hoping he doesn't notice.

"How do you know what you're doing?" He questions skeptically.

I wonder what his voice sounds like when it's not altered?

"Where did you learn these skills?" He likely winces as I dab a cloth with disinfectant on his wound.

"I was trained as the medic in my pilot unit of the Resistance." I say, and he flinches at the mention of the Resistance. I make a mental note not to talk about it, or my time there, when he's around.

"I've never seen a lightsaber before." I tell him, trying to make conversation as I finish cleaning his cut and burns.

"How strange." He moves his hand closer to the eyes in his mask to study my job as I'm done, and I set my hands in my lap awkwardly, suddenly feeling the closeness between us.

"Listen.. I came to ask you something."

"Go on then." I urge.

"Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtostayinmyroom." His words are fast and quiet, and I tilt my head in confusion, not understanding what he'd said. I can hear him clear his throat and take a deep breath.

"I was wondering.. if you'd like to stay in my room. I'd noticed how bored you are and I know there are some books and things in there you'd might like.. and you'd have someone to talk to." He says sheepishly.

"I- uhm.." I gulp awkwardly, unsure of how to answer. I think of the good and bad aspects of staying with him and not being alone. Finally, I sigh.

"Okay. I'll stay with you."


hi everyone:-)

how are you?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'd love to hear what you think!



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