forty one ; d'qar

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I seal the large bag as soon as I check to make sure the rest of my things are inside.

I can hear Phet's voice drift in from the main room, his giggly-laugh echoing off the mud hut walls. He's just waiting for me.

I make my way down the corridor and enter the room. I immediately feel awkward as every pair of eyes lands on me. Phet grins, while the others look solemn.

A short time ago, after I'd decided to move on, Phet told me he's going to live on D'Qar, at the Resistance Base. He asked me if I wanted to come with him.

It took me some time to think it over.

I realized that moving away might be crucial to my chance at truly moving on, and D'Qar is the perfect place to raise a baby.

Along with my support, the child would have a whole base of Resistance fighters as a family. As well as their grandmother, of course. Leia deserved to be in her grandchild's life, especially after losing her son.

Breaking the news to Seeder was the hardest part.

I thought she'd have been overjoyed at the chance to move back. But she also had a confession.

She'd bartered with the neighbors beside Ava and Draco for their hut, so the pair of us could move inside together. She wanted to stay close to the Solo twins, as they'd become some of the best family we'd ever had.

When I told her I wanted to move back to D'Qar with Phet, she'd told me she wanted to stay. She thought I should go without her. She believed our parting was meant to be; that she couldn't keep me with her and treat me like a child who couldn't make my own decisions any longer.

I won't see her again, for a long time. And it's okay.

"Are you ready to go?" Phet breaks me out of my thoughts, gazing at me intently. I bite my lip and nod. I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

"We'll miss you!" Ava says, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I return her hug, realizing that I really will miss them. A lot.

I've never been alone like this. I've always had my parents, my sister, a roommate, Kylo, Phet, the twins. It'll be a new thing for me.

Draco is next. The sad look in his dark eyes remind me so much of Kylo's.

"I can't believe you're leaving so soon, Zena!" He teases with his pet name for me, ruffling my hair.

"Stop!" I shout, laughing. He suddenly engulfs me in a big bear hug.

"I'll miss you, little sis." He whispers into my hair, and I feel my heart sink. He doesn't give me time to feel bad, though, as he pulls back and gives me his signature goofy grin.

The two must look alike, but the similarities between Draco and his brother stop there.

Then, it's time to say goodbye to my actual sister. I turn toward her, just in time to see her wipe a tear away quickly.

"Sorry." She sniffles with an awkward smile. She outstretches her arms and I try my best to hug her back. It's almost a side hug.

Hugging people while you're pregnant is so weird.

She rubs the back of my head and I her back, neither of us needing to say much.

condemned ; kylo renWhere stories live. Discover now